Uploaded an index.html via the web UI. But can I update the index.html via web UI?

I uploaded a quick index.html onto pages (first time using cloudflare). the web ui was exactly what i wanted since im just playing around with some html. but now. i want to update it. can I do it from the UI? I couldn't find an option to do it so i ended up deleting my page and creating a new one just to upload my new html. lol appreciate any help. thanks!
2 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
You can create a new deployment, but you can't edit the file from the dashboard
coltonidleOP6d ago
i edited the file on my local machine. hm. "new deployment". let me see if i can find that... ah got it. okay. so i kinda misunderstood pages then. i was expecting it to kinda be like r2. but this is more like individual deploiyments that would be driven via a github repo or something. werid that i uploaded an index.html but navigating to the website makes it seem like its empty. wonder how long the wait time is for it to show. alright. gave it some time and now it loaded. hooray

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