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ERROR 1033 Argo tunnel erro

MY account ID: d854378bec2fc01804db58ef5b9d0cfd :NotLikeThis: r ...

Unable to override build settings when deploying

I'm having trouble with overriding the pages build configuration. Changing the build command to npm install --force && npm run build doesn't seem to have an effect. npx wrangler pages deploy does work as a workaround, but prevents using git integration. The current setting of npm clean-install does not like dependency conflicts. A second workaround is to use git-actions. However, it seems unwieldy when the problem can be solved with just overriding the build command. ...

plain text environment variables are not available under env

when I set encrypted secrets, they're shown in env.SOME_SECRET , for example. if I set a plain text variable in the CF dashboard, env.SOME_PLAIN_TEXT is NOT available what gives?...

Some JS not running on Cloudflare Pages

Hi everyone, I am new to Cloudflare Pages and I'm running into a problem with my first project. I connected one of my GitHub repos, which is a simple photography portfolio, and deployed it to Cloudflare Pages. This worked without a problem, but some of my JS files aren't running as far as I can tell. However, there are no errors in my Dev Tools console and I don't see anything unusual in the Network tab. I've tried on both Chrome and Firefox. The JS files that do work are the ones that control my drop-down menu navigation and the dynamic year update in the footer. The ones that do not work are the ones that control my image galleries and the contact form validation (the form validation crashes the page entirely with a 405 error). All of the JS works locally without a problem, including the contact form submission. I've been reading the troubleshooting docs and searching around trying to figure out what to troubleshoot. I've seen suggestions to g into Settings and turn off Rocket Loader, but I don't see Rocket Loader anywhere in the settings panel. I've already gone through "Manage Deployment > Retry Deployment" and that didn't change anything. ...

Clicking on the alias link leads to a different result than clicking on the . dev site:

Pushing my website update via github works for my dev instance but for some reason does not make changes to my actual domain alias ( Can this be fixed with DNS records? Thanks for the help
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Can't see Speed section in the dashboard

I canโ€™t disable Speed Brain feature because I donโ€™t see this option in my dashboard. But it is applied to my app and it does not work correctly. How can I disable it?
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node-postgres issue

I saw in the changelog:
The node-postgres (pg) driver is now supported for Pages applications using Hyperdrive.
But I can't get node-postgres to work on Pages. It works locally, but when I try to deploy I get:...

So frustrated with Hugo and themes. Is it just me ?

I have a .gitignore which contains /themes/** . This is so that themes are not replicated as they are git repos in their own right. I have a .gitmodules which contains: `[submodule "themes/PaperMod"] path = themes/PaperMod...

Pages deployment Error: Output directory "[foldername]/dist " not found.

Hi, I am currently trying to deploy a website following this tutorial: But using React instead of Vue. The directory is inside a subdirectory of the project and I set the root directory inside the build parameters accordingly. The build is working: ```...

Running with a newer version of Node - env var not being passed through?

I need to use node 22 to build/deploy, which I understand can be achieved by setting NODE_VERSION=22. I've set this under Settings > Variables and Secrets but the deployment details then list "Environment variables: None" and it doesnt appear to effect the build?...

Getting a 500 internal server error

Today, we deployed new code and encountered a 500 error upon viewing the site. Even after reverting the commits, the error persisted following deployment. Ultimately, manually rolling back the deployment to an older commit from the pages dashboard brought the site back up, but as of now we are not able to push new code out.

WAF Price and setting up

Hello all, i am trying to find more information on Cloudflare WAF, whether it is paid or free, and how to set it up. all i end up finding is some general notes but thats it. I have a website setup on hetzner (laravel, very simple app) and i end up with lots of trafic from bots. Looked at Shieldon package but not sure whether it is a propper solution. Can anyone point me in the right direction on pricing, how to set it up etc? I've read in some articles that the WAF is free and part of the free p...

My website flagged as phising (

Hi, I'm the owner of BASIS-64 Tools (formerly known as Jerry's Tools), a legitimate website that provides language translation services and statistical tools with other premium features. My website ( has been falsely flagged as phishing. It's actually a website for educational purposes. Do anyone have solutions for this probloem?...
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Exact same commit hash is building on develop-2 but not develop

develop is failing due to Segmentation fault failing build id 9d20d57e-4b2b-45b0-985b-4ccb98fb9751 working build id 1adf52f7-884e-4158-a798-f46163b6b9a3 100% same commit hash...

Having 522 error with DNS hosting of Pages application?

Hello, recently for a client I have been hitting some 1000 errors with DNS but am resolving theses with a support case .. this lead me to realize that my personal website (which is set up very similarly, React SPA CI/CD linked to my github repo, sitting on a custom domain) has been hitting errors as well, albiet different. My Pages project is responding to deivces with a 522 HTTP error and I cannot determine why? This set up has been working for a few months and recently "went offline" with these issues. This occurs any time I am attempt to hit the root URL from the address bar of a browser, and also seems to result when accessed through search results as well). Places where the website is cached already respond just fine, which makes testing this far trickier as well. My DNS setup is as is advised, CNAME record pointing to the pages domain of the project, another cname for www pointing to the root domain .. all A records seemed to be auto generated and i did not add them, along with some basic CNAME records for FTP, mail, etc. None of these CNAME records are being used by the project. Any guidance or assistance or insight on this issue would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance! Can share DNS records privately if you're able to help me troubleshoot...

How to disable Speed Brain?

I have Speed Brain disabled for my Cloudflare Pages website in the dashboard's Speed -> Optimization -> Content Optimization setting. Yet I still see requests made to /cdn-cgi/speculation with every pageview. And the speculation-rules header set on HTTP requests....

workers deployment v2 produces an [nuxt] instance unavailable, works when build is compiled locally

I have a weird issue with the pages deployment. When i compile localhost, and then use wrangler pages deploy, everything is fine. When i use either the v2 github pull function (autodeploy) or a github action (cloudflare/[email protected]) then the Nuxt server constantly produces a [nuxt] instance unavailable i.e.: (deployed via local worker, no issues) ( deployed via github action)...

[unenv] crypto.createhash is not implemented yet!

My project runs normally in development mode, but I encounter an error when previewing with Wrangler or deploying the project to Cloudflare Pages. Error: [unenv] crypto.createHash is not implemented yet! I have already configured compatibility_flags = ["nodejs_compat_v2"] in wrangler.toml, but the issue persists. Please help me, thank you....

Postgres timesout on cloudflare:

I have a PG db at digital ocean, it works perfectly in my local machine, however when deployed on cf I get: write CONNECT_TIMEOUT localhost:5432 which is weird as the port is not even 5432. This is a reprodution: This is where it times out:

DNS CLOUDFLARE redirect to the another IP address.

Hi Guys, I don't know why when I ping my domain i'm redirect to the another ip address?...