Louis Deconinck
Louis Deconinck
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CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Louis Deconinck on 9/5/2024 in #pages-help
Send email
Can I send emails from Cloudflare functions? These would just be update emails to the admin / myself, so not an issue if they land in spam.
3 replies
Created by Louis Deconinck on 5/30/2024 in #🙋questions
git merge upstream/main
So I executed these commands as provided in the OpenSaas Docs: git remote add upstream https://github.com/wasp-lang/open-saas.git git fetch upstream git merge upstream/main With the last command I get this error: fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
8 replies
Created by Louis Deconinck on 5/5/2024 in #🙋questions
Dummy Email Provider OpenSaas
I will only be using Google OAuth for authentication and no email authentication (OpenSaas). Do I still need a email provider? The docs (https://docs.opensaas.sh/guides/email-sending/) state the following: "Note that your app will not build if using the Dummy provider and you must switch to a production-ready provider in order to do so."
11 replies
Created by Louis Deconinck on 5/3/2024 in #🙋questions
checkStripePortalLInkExists in shared/constants.ts
I'm using OpenSaas with with wasp 0.13.2 and WSL2. The documentation (https://docs.opensaas.sh/guides/stripe-integration/) says to add this code to the src/shared/constants.ts file:
const customerPortalTestUrl = 'https//billing.stripe.com/p/login/test_...'
const customerPortalProdUrl = undefined

export const STRIPE_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_LINK = isDev ? customerPortalTestUrl : customerPortalProdUrl;

checkStripePortalLinkExists(STRIPE_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_LINK); // throws an error if the link is not set in production
const customerPortalTestUrl = 'https//billing.stripe.com/p/login/test_...'
const customerPortalProdUrl = undefined

export const STRIPE_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_LINK = isDev ? customerPortalTestUrl : customerPortalProdUrl;

checkStripePortalLinkExists(STRIPE_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_LINK); // throws an error if the link is not set in production
isDev and checkStripePortalLinkExists are not defined and throw an error.
9 replies
Created by Louis Deconinck on 5/2/2024 in #🙋questions
Remove email login
Is it possible to only rely on OAuth and disable email login when using OpenSaas? When I comment out the email method (with verification and reset), I get a build error. Wasp 0.13.2 WSL2
33 replies