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Wasp & Godot

Is there a way to use Godot and Wasp? Should I set up Wasp first? I thought I was close to finishing the set up for wasp but now I am confused.

Check if user has auth token

Hey! What's the best way to check if the user has an auth token? I don't want for useAuth to resolve before redirecting to the landing page if the user is logged out. If my server is lagging or broken, I would rather logged out people to be immediately redirected to the landing than waiting on a loading screen. I was thinking that I can check if the client has the local storage var wasp:sessionId set. If not, I immediately redirect to the landing....

Question about shared constants

We have the following code in shared constants: ``` const isDevEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; const customerPortalTestUrl = 'TEST_URL'; ...

Increase default payload size

How can I increase the default size of the payload, this is for when I am uploading larger file. Can I create some custom middleware in a new file which I can tell wasp to use, instead of express default?

My wasp application is deployed in fly.io but the migration file is not running automatically

my wasp application is deployed in fly.io but i have migration issue i have like 20 migration and not running automatically when running the wasp deploy fly deploy command

Error: Cannot find module 'dotenv/config'

It happens quite often, just by starting the project. (I'm on Wasp 0.15.2) same with older versions. I have to do wasp clean and wasp install (which takes a while). ...
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blur while animating

This have nothing to do with wasp, I want make the AppNavBar a little dynamique when the user scroll but the header becomes blur, any suggetion? context
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How do you deploy multiple environment in fly.io like dev, staging and production

I have application built with WASP v15 and deployed to fly.io and I want to have two environment like staging and production

Cron job not running in production but running locally

I am attempting to run this job but it is not appearing to run in the logs, whereas it runs locally (every 5 minutes). The first line is a console log so regardless of the result, it should log something ```job updateStaleTikTokStats { executor: PgBoss, perform: {...

WebSockets outside wasp

How can I access a websocket connection from wasp in other applications?

How can I edit the credits amount

How can I edit a specific user's credits amount while on deployment ? Im using opensaas temaplte

Site works in dev but in production is not working

Hello again friends! We've finally launched to production! 🎉 https://siteengineer.com.au/ The site works when I run it in development mode, however, after launching, the login option disappears and the website doesn't seem to work (though it still builds). I've included the command line output which shows several errors I'm unsure about, along with the errors that VS Code outputs when I launch the site. Would anyone have any suggestions? my version is 15.1 (updated from 14.x), my platform is windows / wsl2. all errors are attached :))...

Mandatory email verification

Hello everyone! Is there any way to enforce email verification before login? The OpenSaaS template somehow allows login without verification. Is there a field in the User entity that is responsible for this?

I get error with the job geting daily stats

I get error when getting dailystats see below:

Custom Sign In

I want to create a custom sign in, is that possible?

Something wrong with SEO?

Hello everyone, Almost a month ago I launched datanext.app (WebApp built with Wasp) but I'm experiencing serious problems with Google SEO. I have uploaded the sitemap https://datanext.app/sitemap.xml at Google Search Console and 6 pages were successfully indexed....
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Vercel ai chatbot

Is it possible to use vercel-ai-chatbot library to integrate a chat window into a wasp project


Hey! I can't find docs about setting LEMONSQUEEZY_STORE_ID. It's pretty easy to find out how to do it but maybe it should be in the docs?...

is there a solution to make the app in french ? or change the application language.

I want to make the saas app in french is there suggestions for solutions

Issue with installation

Hi 👋 I'm trying to install the SAAS template from wasp but I'm running into issues (I think) because there is no feedback from the wasp start command I can't even tell what's actually causing the issue. This is on WSL on windows, on node 20 I suspect it might be having issues because it's already been an hour, and it shouldnt' take this long. I saw a similar issue in the search with a suggestion to create the folder inside of WSL itself but that hasn't helped either...
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