Cloudflare Developers


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DNS CLOUDFLARE redirect to the another IP address.

Hi Guys, I don't know why when I ping my domain i'm redirect to the another ip address?...

Error cache

hello im getting this error, someone knows whats happend? ```js import { auth } from '@/auth' import { getUser } from '@/client/services/user.service' import Home from '@/components/pages/Home'...

[Nuxt] Unable to load env vars when nodejs_compat flag enabled

For my Nuxt3 app on CF Pages, if I enable the nodejs_compat flag, the environment variables returned from useRuntimeConfig do not return the correct values. (compatibility date 2024-09-27) The correct values are the ones I set in my cloudflare project dashboard. Instead I am getting the default values as defined in my nuxt.config.ts file....

Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

<--- JS stacktrace ---> build: build: FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory build: ----- Native stack trace ----- build:...

Deployment Failed.

Keep getting this error when I try to rebuild the app.
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Hosting proxy pac on workers

Hello, just trying to follow the documentation regarding using Gateway without WARP. I've seen the possibility to host the pac file on workers : here is the template : ...

Your R2 bucket does not exist (workers.api.error.bucket_not_found)

I've configured my R2 bindings through the settings > runtime page. CF autocompleted my bucket, but, somehow my builds are now failing. Even if I click on the bucket link in the portal it will redirect me to the bucket, then show 10 times: bucket not exists message before loading the bucket. ...
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Do I have to ad any dns things or?

I added the name server things in godaddy, and it says its completed but when I search my domain the page does not load. I just bought the domain

Cloudflare pages file limit

Guys there is any chance of increasing Pages file limit, currently 20000? We have a blogging site built with Hugo that is nearing the limit. We actually reached the limit two times, but we managed that by moving some parts of the site to another Cloudlare Pages application and creating a redirect with a middleware....

Fetch Web Traffic Stats in nextjs project

Is there a way to get this data and display it on my nextjs project, deployed with cf pages?
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SSR not working on cloud flare for Astro

I have this route: which is /packages/[user]/[...packageName] when visiting this route, I am not able to see anything on cloudflate

Easiest way of persisting function logs

what's the easiest way of persisting these logs? I'm using next but this prob applies to other frameworks as well
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Timeouts and slow builds on one particular project

I have two almost identical projects. One of them is newer and deploys in about 40 seconds and the other is older and is either timing out or taking around 10 minutes to build and deploy. There are no errors reported when the build times out. URL: Deploy ID: 94f1dd84-66b4-45ce-8820-af236a9fe44e (although any of them are exhibiting the same issues)...

Stopped Getting Any Web Analytics Data

After enabling DNSSEC, Web Analytics have stopped working on my Cloudflare Pages site. I've turned off DNSSEC, but still not seeing any analytics data. I also tried deleting and re-enabling Web Analytics. (
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Deployment failed! Got error: Your Worker exceeded the size limit of 1 MiB

Why do I get this "Worker" error when deploying my Pages project, even though my entire build output is 428 KiB (20 KiB larger than the Remix template I started with)? ```console ✘ [ERROR] Deployment failed! ...

Bindings depending on the environment

I have some bindings in my wrangler.toml: ``` [[d1_databases]] binding = "DB" database_name = "my-database"...

Reduce requests for Remix app?

I’ve noticed with a default Remix app deployment I trigger a lot of page worker requests, I’m assuming due to SSR. Using a combination of cache control headers in my remix app plus Cloudflare Cache Rules I’m now seeing mostly CF HIT headers. Can I assume CF HITs don’t count as worker requests? Such that my Cloudflare Pages costs will be comparable to a SSG site built with Gatsby, $0 or close to it, even if my app got a TON of traffic?...

Pages is not actually cloning my GitHub repo.

Im new to CloudFlare - excited to figure it out but I can't get it to pull my changes from GitHub. I've tried setting up a webhook in GitHub, but although the Source GUID changes, the build fails. When I try to retry a deployment, it only takes 1s to 'clone the repo' and the same 'Source / Branch' is repeated. .. no changes are being pulled from GitHub. I'm sure I must be missing a configuration step.. ?

Maximum call stack size exceeded

Hi all, I've been working moving an Nextjs app from Azure to CF Pages, keep getting this error with very little information causing it. ``` ✘ [ERROR] A hanging Promise was canceled. This happens when the worker runtime is waiting for a Promise from JavaScript to resolve, but has detected that the Promise cannot possibly ever resolve because all code and events related to the Promise's I/O context have already finished. ...