Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







Animate between a moon path to a circle

I have this moon SVG that I want to animate to a sun (in a web app). I would use a clip path if it wasn't for the path having a stroke and not being filled. Now I'm looking for a tool to convert the path to a circle (for the sun), with the same amount of vector points. Is there such a tool somewhere? Or do you have any other recommendations how to solve this?...

Can Someone Help Me Know Why My Browser Isn't Popping Up?

Hey there! I have a quick question - can someone help me figure out why this particular app isn't opening for me? All my other apps are working just fine. Thanks in advance for any assistance!

Network connections

Good day. Please tell me how to implement connecting a large number of elements to the network, I depicted the operation of the network in the diagram, if you need to change it, then tell me what is the best way to proceed. P.S. I don't understand this at all....
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Error when git cloning a React & Vite & Typescript repo

Hi! So I tried to import this project that uses React, Vite and TS, but when I do I get this error everywhere and when I try to run the npm run dev command, it doesn't work properly... Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Thank you!...
No description

Still getting the same issue

Sorry for asking the same question again this is really frustrating though, i though that me providing this video would make things clearer. any answer is appreciated.

Issues regarding liveserver

I am having issues still with liveserver whenever i save something on vscode I get an error as if the internet is not working, i deleted liveserver & switched to fiveserver, i still get the same issue only now on the console i get the message: net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED.

Problems with live server on vscode

hello guys i am having issues with my live server on vscode whenever i make changes to my html, css it simply takes too long to update.

autoformatting which can be easily set up in VS Code and in Codepen

which makes debugging and reading your code 10x easier any suggestions of now i use beautify and prettier .

Any good macOS clients for SFTP/S3/Dropbox? Transmit keeps crashing

What do people use on macOS besides Cyberduck? Don't mind paying for it....

tips on guiding clients to hosting while not being involved in the process in any way

i dont want to host for my clients but i do want to make sure that they know what to do to host their website, do you all know any source that explains the complete hosting process simply for non-technical people?

how to retain all settings, extensions of vs code

for some reason my vs code is not opening at all, i tried everything... so im going to reinstall vs code, and i was wondering how can i retain all settings, extensions of vs code when i reinstall the vs code? pls help

Netlify and Namecheap: when adding www to my url, the website shows security concerns. Why?

Have a website for a client hosted on Netlify with the domain through Namecheap. I really don't know much about what a DNS is or what any of these things mean so please, please explain thoroughly the exact steps. I need the email forwarding so while using the nameservers was an easy way to start, netlify has no email forwarding option and namecheap won't offer if you're not using their nameservers. In my netlify domains, I have the domain purchased from namecheap listed, with the DNS records having a url without www. preceding it, and one that does, both with 3600 IN NETLIFY next to it (I don't know what this means at all) In advanced DNS under namecheap, I have added two records, A Record with a host @, a value of, and the TTL Automatic. I also have a CNAME record with the host www and value is the url without the www. preceding it with the TTL as automatic. Is this right? I tried to use the other settings with the Alias records but nothing happened when I did this. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here. ...

Hide api keys

Hello, can someone help how to hide firebase api keys from github using react js #❓help-forum

help me update my node js version

i want to update my node js to the latest version using the terminal

how do i create vite on a file that is inside 3 folders?

i want to create vite on a file that is inside 3 folders in my vs code, how do i do this?

MySQL Workbench Alternatives

Hey guys. This is probably a long shot, but does anyone know of a MySQL Workbench alternative that isn't laggy as heck with large datasets? Preferably with a more modern GUI as well but not essential. The lag is what's mostly irritating me.

Code suggestion

I want to remove something i dont know if it is from extension or what but when i write code it suggests me the other part like in a gray form and when u press tab it writes it for u how do i remove this feature?...