Weird prettier/git behavior
I worked on a project with macOS yesterday and all eslint checks passed ok. Today, after pulling the changes from the remote on windows, without changing anything, eslint checks fail because all files fail to match prettier formatting… when I run prettier formatter on the project, git sees 264 files changed. When I open the changes though, literally nothing was changed (not even a line break)…
I want to add that I have a project-wide prettier config so there are no changes between the OS’ prettier configs.
Does anyone know about that behavior? Have you ever seen it and know how to fix it without having to commit 264 files without any changes?
1 Reply
utf8 vs utf8+bom can cause that
and windows vs linux newlines too
and tabs into spaces and spaces into tabs can do that
and there are other changes, but without examples, im just throwing stuff that may or may not be the issue