Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







Is it possible to add images in DecapCMS through markdown?

I’d like to know if it’s possible to add images using markdown in DecapCMS. In platforms like Obsidian, I can simply drag a file into the text editor, and it appears right away. I can also adjust the image size and position using markdown. Can I do something similar with DecapCMS? I know how to upload an image using the upload button on the CMS, but I’m not sure how to edit it once it's uploaded. If editing images in this way isn’t possible, what would be the best method to add and manipulate images in DecapCMS? Any help would be appreciated. What I tried I copied and pasted the text and links from a markdown file in Obsidian, so I tried using a link converter to change the wiki links in my file to markdown links, but it didn’t work. I built this website from a code-along project that Kevin Powell did building a blog website , so I'm not very familiar with the technologies used to create it, such as Eleventy, Nunjucks, and Node.js. While the DecapCMS integration with the site is working, the only way I can add images is through the upload button in the DecapCMS, and the images appear large with no control over their width and height. In Obsidian, I could resize images using syntax like ![[image|400]]. Is there a way to implement a similar feature here?...

UTM Tracking on Google Search

Hi everyone, hope you're doing fine. I'm trying to find a way to track with UTM when a visitor of my website comes from a search engine. For example, if I open and search '' and click the first link, I'd like to track that with a UTM with values "utm_source=google&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=googlesearch" or something like that. I've been reading a lot the last few days regarding this and didn't find anything confirming if this is even possible, I thought about it and logically speaking I found it challenging to do with code. My questions are: Is this possible to do? In case it is, anyone knows how? ...

How do I install npm & composer on cPanel?

Having trouble finding a clear tutorial on how to do this, and whether this should be installed globally as the root or per cPanel user. Running Linux and I have access to the Yum package manager, so should I just install per-user using yum?

How to Prevent Netlify Subdomain from Being Indexed ?

I'm hosting a site on Netlify and using a custom domain (e.g., I want to make sure the custom domain gets indexed by search engines, but I need to prevent the Netlify subdomain ( from being indexed. Does anyone know how to handle this properly, especially if I'll be moving to Astro later? Are there any built-in Netlify features or other suggestions for this scenario?

'nmp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

My nmp is just not recoginzed i have already enter the path and restarted my computer i wanna start with react but i can't wihtout it
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VS Code path auto completion

Hi everyone,
On my old laptop in VS Code I would get autocomplete suggestions when typing in path names like for img src or in css url() for bg img or font etc. However on my new machine I'm not getting that and I have no clue what setting or extension I had setup to enable that. It worked in html, css, js for imports , and for react e.g. img src and imports in tsx, ts, js and jsx file extensions. ...

Anyone have `vscodevim` extension get vim saves eg. `:w` to format on save with prettier?

Anyone have vscodevim extension get vim saves eg. :w to format on save with prettier?


hi guys can someone tell me what is the shortcuts he uses in this video or give me a full list of them so i know what i can use 1-i want to know the shortcuts from 5.30 to 6.30 2-and how to jump after ; like when u wrote hight:60px; then jump after ;

Can't set absolute paths to Vite Project

Hello I was trying to make sure I could use either typescript namespaces and use absolute file paths for import statements, as this how-to article suggests. my tsconfig.json file is as follows:...

Weird prettier/git behavior

I worked on a project with macOS yesterday and all eslint checks passed ok. Today, after pulling the changes from the remote on windows, without changing anything, eslint checks fail because all files fail to match prettier formatting… when I run prettier formatter on the project, git sees 264 files changed. When I open the changes though, literally nothing was changed (not even a line break)… I want to add that I have a project-wide prettier config so there are no changes between the OS’ prettier configs. Does anyone know about that behavior? Have you ever seen it and know how to fix it without having to commit 264 files without any changes?...

React testing library debug

How do I debug unit tests written using react testing library? Apart from screen.debug() As screen.debug is not fully printing the fom when it gets larger....
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my vs code emmets not working

```{ "editor.mouseWheelZoom": true, "code-runner.runInTerminal": true, "code-runner.saveFileBeforeRun": true, "debug.showInlineBreakpointCandidates": false,...

vscode design (like animations ans other js css html addinh)

hi guys i want to add a code with html css and js to the default page (im using vscode app in widows)(the default page is where u try to write the codes or generally the whole page with full size in the app) so yea i wanted to add html and jss to the page but i didnt find anything that can add it so i ask it here is there a way to add html css and js together or seperatly in the app if yes what should i install or do?...