Is it possible to add images in DecapCMS through markdown?

I’d like to know if it’s possible to add images using markdown in DecapCMS. In platforms like Obsidian, I can simply drag a file into the text editor, and it appears right away. I can also adjust the image size and position using markdown. Can I do something similar with DecapCMS? I know how to upload an image using the upload button on the CMS, but I’m not sure how to edit it once it's uploaded. If editing images in this way isn’t possible, what would be the best method to add and manipulate images in DecapCMS? Any help would be appreciated. What I tried I copied and pasted the text and links from a markdown file in Obsidian, so I tried using a link converter to change the wiki links in my file to markdown links, but it didn’t work. I built this website from a code-along project that Kevin Powell did building a blog website , so I'm not very familiar with the technologies used to create it, such as Eleventy, Nunjucks, and Node.js. While the DecapCMS integration with the site is working, the only way I can add images is through the upload button in the DecapCMS, and the images appear large with no control over their width and height. In Obsidian, I could resize images using syntax like ![[image|400]]. Is there a way to implement a similar feature here?
Kevin Powell
Turn static HTML/CSS into a blog with CMS using the JAMStack
💻 My DevProjects project: (includes a link to starting template and my final solution) 🔥 Codementor: In this video, we're building out my solution to the Devmentor challenge that I created! We'll be taking a static HTML/CSS project that I created, hooking it up with Eleventy, and then ...
3 Replies
Takyon_is_OnlineOP5mo ago
This is what I tried when I converted the wiki links from Obsidian to markdown links but I haven't got them to display my image. My theory is that since I am copy and pasting to a Decap CMS on Netlify, it can show my hosted images that way.
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Jochem5mo ago
Obsidian uses its own extensions on markdown. Other libraries that use markdown might use a slightly different syntax, so what works in Obsidian isn't a good guide of what works in all markdown things you'll hvae to check whatever translates the markdown into HTML for the syntax to use for your images you'll also have to upload the images somewhere and change the links to point to where the images are as for the resizing thing, that's again dependent on the syntax supported by the thing that does the markdown parsing. Worst case, you can just resize the images with an image editor so they are the right size to begin with
Takyon_is_OnlineOP5mo ago
Yeah I was arriving to the conclusion that I would need to change the image dimension myself on a image editor like Figma since I don't know how to do the markdown to HTML translation. Ok thanks for the respond.

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