Hologram plugin
server-side optimization
balancetop display using holograms
cant find pterodactyl ip
Pterodactyl error java could not create virtual machine
could i get help on mc baseball (aka) wiffle ball
Player cannot connect to my server
Selectors Not Working With Vanilla gamemode Command In 1.21
/execute as @a[tag=goingToSpawn] run gamemode adventure @s
And, as expected, Minecraft would iterate through each player included in the selector and execute the command as them and properly set their gamemode....Eureka Ships! for valkyrien skies forge Too many physic frames in que error
Custom Kick Message ?
Please Join With Official Minecraft Launcher
type... is this possible? i could not find this in any of bukkit / spigot.yml...random error resolution
How do you find out *what* an alias is pointing to? What command is being executed via alias?
Jpremium issue
Oraxen + Items Addder (+ Model Engine)
Prefix for GeyserMC Bedrock clients?
Pterodactyl only installing server properties?
Pterodactyl/CraftyController Docker
Stop replaced items to get broken while pasting ?