Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 1/2/2025 in #topic-of-the-day
What’s in for 2025? What’s out? - Topic of the day 1/2/25
Curious what next summer’s Abercrombie crochet button up is going to be
93 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 1/2/2025 in #topic-of-the-day
What’s in for 2025? What’s out? - Topic of the day 1/2/25
A friend who’s a teacher at a high school was telling me her kids are starting to get into skinny jeans again, which I’m excited for since I missed them the first time around.
93 replies
Created by Phileas on 8/19/2023 in #fashion-discussion
Hair 💇♂
I've had both actually. I think your preference will probably just come down to personal taste as far as how "pomade-y" you want it
1922 replies
Created by Phileas on 8/19/2023 in #fashion-discussion
Hair 💇♂
For when I have short hair
1922 replies
Created by Phileas on 8/19/2023 in #fashion-discussion
Hair 💇♂
My goat hair product is shear revival northern lights
1922 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 12/18/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Good Alternatives - Topic of the day 12/18/24
For people further along their clothes journey, I could very well see why it would be different
97 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 12/18/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Good Alternatives - Topic of the day 12/18/24
Yeah, for me personally, if I waited until I could get the exact things I wanted, I'd never be able to explore my style interests.
97 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 12/18/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Good Alternatives - Topic of the day 12/18/24
I’ve found settling is great if you’re not the type to fixate on every detail you’re missing and can enjoy what you have. Sometimes you find other stuff you love about the alternative and sometimes what you’re comparing it against only exists in your head anyway.
97 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 12/18/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Good Alternatives - Topic of the day 12/18/24
Novesta for converse
97 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 12/18/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Good Alternatives - Topic of the day 12/18/24
Alpaca works well insted of cashmere for sweaters. I really like my cos pleats instead of issey
97 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 12/11/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
2024 Wrapped - Topic of the day 12/11/24
If 2023 for me was about just being introduced to fashion , this year was mostly focusing on refining what parts of it I like. I didn't really buy much. In fact, In keeping with my theme, I sold a lot more than I bought. Mostly, I'm trying to figure out what I would like my style to reflect about me, and refine and iterate on that.
61 replies
Created by artvandelayimporting on 12/11/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Accessories Under $100 (bonus points for under $50)
Oh and relatedly really thick, comfy socks for walking inside are nice too. Ones that aren't meant to be used with shoes.
49 replies
Created by artvandelayimporting on 12/11/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Accessories Under $100 (bonus points for under $50)
I think my favorite clothing gifts from my parents of the past few years have been house slippers. They got me uggs but I feel like I see people mentioning ll bean too.
49 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 12/10/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Band Tees and Merch - Topic of the day 12/10/24
No description
102 replies
Created by Smiles on 12/1/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Your Favorite Wool Graphic Sweaters
Could take a look at Andersson Bell sweaters. Unfortunately, I think there's a lot of acrylic mixes.
100 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 12/9/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Brands Spotlight: Taylor Stitch, Todd Snyder, Buck Mason, and more! - Topic of the day 12/9/24
Somebody posted some cream Todd Snyder cords like nine months ago and I wish I could remember what they were.
163 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 12/8/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Gifts! - Topic of the day 12/8/24
Every year my dad asks for pretzel mms. I always feel bad about only getting him that so I inevitably end up disappointing him with something else.
53 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 12/8/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Gifts! - Topic of the day 12/8/24
My brother always talks about how much he likes one of my cat sweaters so I’m going to get him something similar.
53 replies
Created by Bluboy on 12/3/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Need something other than sneakers but not sure what
Second loafers. I think a slightly chunky loafer or a tassel loafer would be cool
14 replies
Created by Clark'sDesertBot on 11/27/2024 in #topic-of-the-day
Fashion Buzzwords - Topic of the day 11/27/24
Haha sorry everyone. The extent of usage just irks me a bit. Please feel free to keep vibing.
354 replies