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Border Control update for v12 and bug fixing (100 $)
Not finding the time to do it myself I would like someone to update the “Border Control” (https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-border-control) module and try to solve the following issues\features: – [Update v12 ]https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-border-control/issues/11 – [Add Feature] https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-border-control/issues/10 – [Bug Fix] https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-border-control/issues/9 – [Bug Fix] https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-border-control/issues/6 If anyone would like to contribute to the bounty by adding anything, please write to me privately. I know there are developers who work for "tot. dollars per hour" and not by commission, in that case if you are interested send me with a pm with your prices. Depending on the effort, such as features, or cool technical solutions, or bug fixes not explicitly requested will count as "additional", and a small fee for the initiative will be assumed . PM me if you are interested.
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Pin Cushion update for v12 and bug fixes ($50-$180)
Hello everyone due to personal problems, I am having a lot of difficulty finding time to update my modules in this case the “Pin Cushion” module (https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-pin-cushion/) a small module for various features related to notes and journals. There would be several things to do, but I try to keep the “necessary” things to a minimum and list them in separate places for clarity: - [DONE from LeRatierBretonnien] $30 Make it operational for v12 (issue #97) - [DONE from LeRatierBretonnien] Additional $50 ($80) for fixing issues #100 - [Optional Done by p4535992 with some additional setting] Additional $?? ($??) for fixing issues #99 - [Feature] Additional 100$ ($180) for replacing the external library used “jquery-powertip” in favor of the internal libraries used by foundryvtt If anyone would like to contribute to the bounty by adding anything, please write to me privately. Depending on the effort, such as features, or cool technical solutions, or bug fixes not explicitly requested will count as "additional", and a small fee for the initiative will be assumed . PM me if you are interested.
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Downtime Dnd5e add compatibility for Dnd5e Sheet 3.X.X (30$ or more) (CLOSED)
Type: downtime-dnd5e Short Description: Downtime Dnd5e add compatibility with Dnd5e Sheet 3.X.X Long Description: Due to personal problems I no longer have much time to devote to my passion in particular has this small module https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-downtime-dnd5e/tree/main that I have been running for quite some time. I have had this problem to solve for quite some time now: https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-downtime-dnd5e/issues/11 It should be easy to solve , I just don't really have the time .... Anyone interested PM me. Budget: 30$ or more depends on the effort
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Variant Encumbrance Dnd5e compatibility for Tidy Sheet and Dnd5e Default Sheet 3.X.X (50$ or more)
Type: variant-encumbrance-dnd5e Short Description: Variant Encumbrance Dnd5e compatibility for Tidy Sheet and new Dnd5e Default Sheet 3.X.X Long Description: Due to personal problems I no longer have much time to devote to my passion in particular has this small module https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-variant-encumbrance-dnd5e that I have been running for quite some time, while the encumbrance calculation goes exactly as I would like at the code level I cannot fix the html of the html display bar . The goal is to find a way to customize the display of the encumbrance bar at the pure html level as I had done for the “Legacy Sheet”. Specifically, the parts of code affected from the html customization are on these lines: https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-variant-encumbrance-dnd5e/blob/4bf9ecd763d4afd65e132d212e3304aa6189f4df/src/scripts/VariantEncumbranceImpl.js#L1365 https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-variant-encumbrance-dnd5e/blob/4bf9ecd763d4afd65e132d212e3304aa6189f4df/src/scripts/VariantEncumbranceBulkImpl.js#L1257 Anyone interested PM me. Budget: 50$ or more depends on the effort
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Magic Items Update (50$)
Type: magic-items Short Description: Magic Items Update for Dnd5e 2.4.X Long Description: The story is well known the "Magic Items" the original developer of "Magic Items" lost interest in the project and Magic Items 2 (https://github.com/PwQt/magic-items-2) was born with some bug fixes and better management. With the advent of the 2.4.X system several things have changed including upcast management, and some issue to fix unfortunately due to lack of time I can't keep up with the project.... What do I want ? Basically I would like to have the management of Zhell's "Item with Spell" (https://github.com/krbz999/foundryvtt-items-with-spells-5e) module with these "Magic Items" features: - Being able to add not only spells , but also features and rolltables, as the current magic-items already do. - Child items should not be "contained" in the item as sub-item, but be references (basically the reference is via uuid to understand each other) to be able to be used with modules like "Item Linking" as the current magic-items already do. - Retain all customization variables of the current magic-items, such as activation if the item is equipped or attuned - Fix https://github.com/PwQt/magic-items-2/issues/31 - Fix https://github.com/PwQt/magic-items-2/issues/28 - Fix https://github.com/PwQt/magic-items-2/issues/25 -Fix: https://github.com/PwQt/magic-items-2/issues/78 - Fix: https://github.com/PwQt/magic-items-2/issues/27 - Fix: https://github.com/PwQt/magic-items-2/issues/21 - Fix: https://github.com/PwQt/magic-items-2/issues/5 - Fix: https://github.com/PwQt/magic-items-2/issues/73 - Fix: https://github.com/PwQt/magic-items-2/issues/74 - Fix: https://github.com/PwQt/magic-items-2/issues/76 - Add a good api for external use - Add a better workflow for the module Anyone interested PM me. Budget: 50$ or more depends o the effort
3 replies
Item Piles: Auctioneer/Auction House (100 €)
Type: module Short Description: Item Piles: Auctioneer Long Description: Extend the functionality of the Item Piles with a new mode for a Auction House - Players can put up items for either a "live bid" or "blind Bid" or "buy it now" - Live bid means that everyone can see the bids being made - Blind bid means no one can see any bids - The visibility of this is up to the player who puts up the item for bid, unless the auctioneer forces one or the other - Players can set a "minimum" and / or "maximum" for the bidding - Setting a minimum bidding amount means that unless bidding reaches that amount of currency, the item will not sell, and all money will be returned - Setting a maximum bidding amount will make any items that gets bids over this amount to immediately be sold to the bidder who made the bid to reach that amount - The visibility of this is up to the player who put up the item for bid, unless the auctioneer forces it to be visible or hidden - When a player puts an item into the auction house for sale, it will take it from the player and add it to the auction house - When a player makes a bid or buys an item it will automatically subtract the money from them - If they are outbid, they will get an option to add to their current bid to outbid the current highest bidder - If their bids are successful, the auction house will list the item they can withdraw, otherwise, it will instead display a button to withdraw their money - Players can continue to bid up until item close time - When an item is put up for sale, the player will set a time that the bidding process will end (integration with simple calendar) - When an item is sold, the server takes a fee, which is customizable in the auctioneer's settings - Auction house should have a search bar and category filter - GM can bid as Player or as a generic actor (NPC, Character) - Optional: Filters to "enter" the Auction House like a 'Admission fee' or specific 'Item' Budget: 100$
507 replies
Item Piles: Workbench (or work table, or enchantment table, ecc.) (100 € )
Type: module Short Description: Item Piles: Workbench, a item piles for buil item from others items Long Description: Have you ever wanted to have a workbench for your alchemist ? or a dwarven furnace to build dwarven weapons ? or hide enchanted tables in a dungeon ? Well I have. The idea is to extend the functionality of the Item Piles module with a new mode , which opens the token as Item Piles does by default, but allowing instead of depositing items to generate new ones. If you have ever played minecraft it is exactly the workbench (or workbench).HOw showed in the image https://truth.bahamut.com.tw/s01/201209/dc9d11d4d73bf0db53add0dd5ce77b18.PNG The first step is to figure out how to extend the functionality of Item Piles, and for this @Wasp has already made an excellent starting point with his Banker module (https://github.com/fantasycalendar/FoundryVTT-ItemPiles-Bankers), an excellent example of how to integrate custom functionality for itempiles. The functionality: When i open a item pile, i have a item drop zone where i put the item components, and a button for launch a macro (other features are not needed for my use case, but you can probably put many other things, like integrations with other modules, ecc.), as optional a preview of the crafted item can be a flavor Here the steps: 0) Click and Open the item piles 1) Put the items 2) Click a button with confirmation 3) Call a macro and generate a item 4) Show the generated item 5) Choose if: - GET: You need the thing - LEFT: You do the thing for others to pick up - DESTROY: You don't want anyone to get the thing Optional features (even as separate bounty): For these integration it should be enough to click in the item piles sheet and open the dialog from these other module - Integration with "Beaver crafting" https://foundryvtt.com/packages/beavers-crafting - Integration with "Mastercrafted" https://foundryvtt.com/packages/mastercrafted Budget: 100 euro
3 replies
Create "Bloodsight" vision for Dnd5e
Type: Module Short Description: I need to have an additional visions for Dnd5e the "Lesser BloodSight", "BloodSight", "Superior BloodSight". Long Description: The developer @dev7355608 made a very good module for support this https://github.com/dev7355608/vision-5e/ , so it would make sense to add such vision to his module as a additional vision. The view I wanted from the code point of view can be taken as a variant of tremorsense that already exists on the module. Following the post you will find details of the three variants of the vision Optional Feature - The option "A creature can be seen behind materials of XX ft." i don't thik there is a smart way to implemented that, so just ignore that if is to complicated. - In addition to this a limitation for the types of creatures subject to vision would help to exclude for example constructs and plants (which have no blood in their veins), but this could be integrated into the vision5e module directly . - Generally the aura is red , but depending on the type of creature it would be "cool" to associate a color with the aura depending on whether you are a human, fairy or demon. Below is a list of colors used by other modules to give an idea of the integration. aberration: "#b527d5d5" beast: "#a51414d8" celestial: "#55a6cdd5" construct: "#5f4d39d5" dragon: "#6a0e0ed8" elemental: "#737373b1" fey: "#afea44d8" fiend: "#b71e46d8" giant: "#541e1ed8" humanoid: "#a51414d8" monstrosity: "#810808d8" ooze: "#f3900fd8" plant: "#195d09d8" undead: "#440707d8" Budget: 40 euro (or more depends on the effort)
4 replies
Tidy5e Upgrade for Dnd5e 2.2.X and Bug fixing
The Tidy5e module is no longer officially under active development with the advent of system version 2.2.X and software version 11. Anyone interested in picking up the module (or rewriting it from scratch if you prefer) please post here your interest or willingness to continue its development (monetary compensation not excluded). Commission Note (if you willing to give something just write in this thread): 4535992 @4535992 (50 euro) Gambit @gambit ($500) Melody Rose @Melody Rose ($500) Fallayn @Zeras ($100) Monkeyy @Monkeyy ( £50) Dreaming @Dreaming (He/Him) (60 euro) Webmaster94 @webmaster94 ($100) kid2407 @kid2407 | Sullivan Orbspire (50 €)
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Pointer module update (70€)
Type: Module Short Description: Uodate of the module Pointer and Ping (or Pnp) Long Description: I would like to commission an update of the old Pointer module https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-pointer or a complete rewrite. I'm the owner now so no problem with permission on this. Just to be clear here the list of the features: - Gives all players the option to show a customizable cursor on demand, as well as ping any location with a custom ping! - Hotkeys, pings, pointer, everything customizable! - As GM you can also move your players view to your pin on demand - Better code-level integration with the new pointer system and related API introduced with FVTT10 and its hotkeys. - The ability to choose whether or not to hide the pointer as the Cursor Hider module does (https://gitlab.com/foundry-azzurite/cursor-hider/-/tree/master/ with License GNU v3.0 ) and why the module forces the installation of an additional Setting Extender module (https://gitlab.com/foundry-azzurite/settings-extender) that I would like to avoid installing. - Press a configurable hotkey for enabled the "hide and show cursor feature" maybe with a different color on the cursor image (or different image) for let you remember this. Additional/Optional Feature (maybe as a separate bounty) - [GM ONLY] Press a configurable hotkey to forces a designated user's view to focus on a specific point, with a configurable zoom scale. - [GM ONLY] Press a configurable hotkey on the canvas and the designated user will be panned and zoomed to where your mouse is located. Budget: 50 euro (p4535992) + 20 dollars (Apostolov) = 68,93 euro
6 replies
Integration of Vino Behaviour on Theatre
Some time ago I had updated the module VINO (https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-vino), the module add several features and a much better behavior (at least in my opinion) than the classic Theatre (https://github.com/League-of-Foundry-Developers/fvtt-module-theatre/issues/8) visualization behaviour, on the other hand Theatre, does a lot of additional things... Fonts, Stage Actor, ecc. What I would like (which for the most part has already been done) is to integrate the following Vino features on Theatre: - Chat commands for different image (/sad,/mad,/joy,/fear), optional use of the module https://foundryvtt.com/packages/_chatcommands if you find useful on developing , but is already manage form the chat handler class code - Add the visual behavior of vino as alternative to the standard Theatre visualization on the bottom bar (here you can find a video of the result https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A8ORdQG_RA&ab_channel=IronMooseDevelopment) - Integrate the Theatre and VINO module as best as you can, giving choice over behaviors I am not sure of the expenditure of hours and effort that are required for this commission , Anyone interested in the committee please contact me privately thank you.
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[CLOSED] UI panel for help to Transform/Polymorph token
I have officially dropped the "Automated Polymorpher" module https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-automated-polymorpher/ There is interest from many people for a module that facilitates at the ui level of which animations+transformation of the token. The same people are nagging me about this so as a "courtesy" I'll open this commission request. The module should allow to open a ui panel from the actor/token sheet. The UI panel should let you do thiese things: - Drag and Drop of actors: - Selecting a specific animations - Loading actors reference from a compendium - Deleting individual actors - Disabling individual actors - Set a specific name on the actor - Set a macro to invoke INSTEAD of the standard system transformation/polymorph mechanism using directly macros for those people who want to use external modules such as warpgate or just a macro Since each system works with its own transformation logic it is a nightmare to manage the logic of each individual system, the simplest solution is as Beaver did with the module https://github.com/AngryBeaver/beavers-system-interface create a user interface that calls either the functions of the system itself or a "custom" user solution. NOTE: Every system has is own type of polymorph e.g. DnD5e = Alter Self, Wildshape, Polymorph; Dnd3.5 = Polymorph, Lycantropy; ecc. ,the ui should let you decide the type for example with a simple dialog. - [OPTIONAL] Add a API for use the module on the macro level - [OPTIONAL] Add a warpgate option somewhere you can use the code done on this file under MIT license https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-automated-polymorpher/blob/main/src/scripts/lib/warpgate.ts Anyone interested in the committee please contact me privately thank you.
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