Created by sioku on 2/16/2025 in #fashion-discussion
Personal Style Is Dead. Long Live Personal Style!
Did a discussion and penned some thoughts on the "Death of Personal Style" discourse that has been popular the past few months: TL;DR the algorithm and capitalism are certainly to blame for the flattening of personal style, but I believe its all bolstered by a need to be a particular kind of "cool person" that characterizes the 2020s. Breaking free of that idea and wanting to express who you are without social cachet is the key for strongly held personal style. Personal Style doesn't need to be unique to be personal!
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Created by sioku on 12/3/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Advice for Dying Jeans Black?
No description
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Created by sioku on 8/12/2024 in #fashion-discussion
Inspiration Should Compel You To Make Outfits I wrote a blog post on Inspiration and how it factors into making outfits. Its less about trying something new ("wow I've never thought of that before") and more so dressing in service of an inspo picture, using what you may already have. TL;DR, inspiration can be more like a prompt, helping provide a prompt and direction for your outfits. This is a contrast to simply keeping inspo on the mind and only returning to it when you have an occasion. In that way, inspiration helps you be intentional! It also provides a rubric to compare the "success" of your outfit to.
Its the same thing as when I listen to a James Bond score and suddenly feel inspired to write a James Bond-Style cue. Its about seeing something and saying "Hey I can do that" and you do it! Also the post kinda goes into how i may have a compulsion problem since Inspo is overstimulating to the point where I always know what i want to wear lol (and why I have a back log of outfits to wear!
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Created by sioku on 7/28/2024 in #fashion-discussion
How To Stay Excited To Dress Up When Its Warm
This is probably dumb because I'm aware that it's smarter to just wear a tee shirt and shorts when its hot but fuck it im gonna stay dressed anyway because I love it. So here's an article and pod about how we make it happen lol TL;DR - Don't have a defeatest view on summer clothes. Instead, have warm weather clothes you actually like and you feel inspired to wear! - Make summer looks/POV that you enjoy: riviera, 70s casual, disco, gorp, etc. - Actually do things that help you enjoy summer: get cocktails, go to the beach, have a movie night, etc. This will help you make outfits
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Created by sioku on 6/3/2024 in #fashion-discussion
Reframing Menswear Feedback, Critique & Advice
Hi guys I wrote a blog on how I think we should reframe how we approach feedback in a way that builds Awareness and Intuition rather than a top down instructional approach! Might be useful for some conversations here, though I think MFA has historically had open minded askers and really good advice givers. Blog: Podcast:
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Created by sioku on 5/13/2024 in #fashion-discussion
On Menswear Revivals & Nostalgia Did a blog post on how things keep coming back! It was mainly about the phenomenon of "70s does 30s" or "90s does 40s" but the topic definitely expanded to discuss WHY this happens and how social media helps exacerabate it.
But in the end, this is about how its fun to find clothes that can play into any era or how we can invoke it with specific details for "aesthetic potential".
hopefully some of you guys find it interesting! pod too:
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Created by sioku on 4/10/2024 in #fashion-discussion
How I Think About Shoes & Picking The Right One Hi all, I wrote a blog about shoes and what it means to pick the "right" one for an outfit. Usually shoe talk is about upgrading past low quality ones but at a certain point, its more about aesthetics and the desired look you're going for! Its a long blog post with a lot of photos but hopefully its interesting! I also did a podcast discussion here:
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Created by sioku on 2/21/2024 in #fashion-discussion
Reflecting on My Dating Attire Hi guys! I wrote a blog post as a reflection on my dating attire over the years. TL;DR, i was very aware that my style was bold and possibly alienating (or just not ideal for dating apps as a 20 year old), and i edited myself constantly before eventually being confident in my style. it also goes into what I currently wear on dates with my girlfriend and it works out despite the disparate levels in our formality (because formality doesn't mean anything to us). Its proof it can happen! There's a lot of fun photos as well as the companion pod on style & direction! Enjoy! hopefully its interesting and encouraging to some of you!
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Created by sioku on 1/31/2024 in #fashion-discussion
The Drama of Big Outerwear I wrote an article and did a podcast episode on my love of big outerwear and how I like to wear it. The blog/pod also goes into detail on some of the coats in my collection, especially the balmacaan ive had since 2017! Hope you like it!
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Created by sioku on 1/15/2024 in #fashion-discussion
Thoughts on Hair and My Own Journey Hey guys! Inspired by the countless discussions on hair we've had on the sub and this discord I finally got around to writing a blog post on hair! It goes into how I view hair as a potential extension for expression as well as my own journey to get the right hairstyle and facial hair that worked my POV. In the end, my friends and I each found our own style that made sense for us even as we subtly change our fits from time to time! I also did a podcast discussion on this if you want to listen: Let me know what you think and feel free to discuss!
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Created by sioku on 11/13/2023 in #fashion-discussion
Being Early & Late: A Philosophy on Trends Inspired by a few of a trend discussions we've had here, I did a blog post and pod on how I view trends. TL;DR they're more of a way for me to codify certain subgenres as well as indiciate how much I want to participate in the zeigiest. I also think that some things have come around from being unpopular to popular (like wide legged pants or more preppy/ivy styling). Feel free to read! I'm also curious if you guys prefer to be early or late to a trend and how you think that factors into your fashion hobby!
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Created by sioku on 11/1/2023 in #fashion-discussion
The Decision To Wear Or Not Wear a Pocket Square Wrote a little blog about how pocket squares aren't always essential to a classic menswear and the decision to wear one largely depends on what vibe/aesthetic you're going for!
This came because i realized I didnt' wear pocket squares as much (especially patterned ones) and then after trying them again, I knew i had some kind of mindset about them that felt good to explore! There's also a podcast episode about this if you want to listen instead of read!
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Created by sioku on 10/16/2023 in #fashion-discussion
Ode To The Brown Suit I wrote a long piece on why I love brown tailoring. There's a lot of photos because its my favorite garment to wear (but you guys probably know that already). I also made a podcast episode about it HERE if you prefer listening : Enjoy!
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Created by sioku on 10/8/2023 in #fashion-discussion
Menswear Is A Fandom (At Least To Me) I read Kaitlyn Tiffany's book "Everything I Need I Get from You: How Fangirls Created the Internet as We Know It" and it reminded me how my past participation in internet fandom culture inspired and continues to play a part in how I engage with menswear. I've always wondered why I did this whole menswear thing in a way that wasn't about getting dressed for work and fandom was the answer. hopefully this is an interesting read and not offensive to my other classic menswear compatriots LOL
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Created by sioku on 10/6/2023 in #fashion-discussion
Investing In Expression, Not Gatekeeping, and The Future: A Menswear Manifesto TL;DR this started out as a piece on how we should invest in expressive pieces (or details) when we recognize what we want from our clothes (just like in any hobby) but in order to do, it required me to provide some additional context and background. So this is a long blog essay with parts on gatekeeping/elitism, the different approaches to getting dressed (pragmatism vs for fun), why what we like is worth it, and how i think the present and future for mens wear looks good. FYI there is a bit of leftist speak at the bottom, but i feel like it applied to my overall philosophy and point Hope you enjoy!
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Created by sioku on 8/18/2023 in #fashion-discussion
We Should Celebrate The Fun, Self-Imposed Challenge of Making An Outfit TL;DR - another Ethan CTA on the joy of making fits and giving yourself a challenge/theme/POV for every outfit you make its much more interesting than "not being naked" or thinking of tailoring as just workplace attire, but i think this could also apply to other styles too. don't dress just go get by!
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Created by sioku on 7/24/2023 in #fashion-discussion
To Menswear (Or Get Dressed) Is To Photograph TL;DR - I've been thinking how related my approach to dressing is to my other hobbies. I read a book on the philosophy of photography and I found some camaraderie between it and my menswear hobby! This focuses on the freedom of limitation, how art is a fiction (positive) and not a lie (negative), and that its just an exercise in showing off how we relate to the world. In some cases, an outfit is like a photograph of the emotions and actions we had at the moment we got inspired to put it together. personally i make outfits randomly and keep them together, seldom making changes in order to preseve that inspiration (much like a photograph) Might be interesting for some people to read! Or terribly insufferable and faux-philosophical (i can't deny that)
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Created by sioku on 7/24/2023 in #fashion-discussion
An Ode to White Jackets & Suits (Pants Too, I Guess) TL;DR white tailoring is always great and popular, but I make the case specifically for white suits and jackets since we talk about pants all the time. Plenty of vintage inspiration as well as contemporary. There's also a lot of old photos of me for old MFA heads who may have seen it before. You guys should know how much i love my white suits and jackets. There's also a section on Palm Beach Cloth which was one of the most famous textiles for white suits back in the 1920s-1940s.
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Created by sioku on 7/24/2023 in #fashion-discussion
How I Buy Clothes Wrote this (and did a pod) on how I buy clothes and ultimately how I engage with fashion. TL;DR: being into vintage very early on exposed me to a lot of ideas and classic menswear designs, so i developed specific taste. Now I just buy things I couldn't find before rather than constantly "discovering" new things. Discovery still does happen (like with Visvim) but its usually tied to something I already like, rather than being jarring. in other words, try to hone taste, try on stuff, and explore things so that way you'll be in the right place to buy it ...or move on from it!
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