MFAD at Work - Topic of the day 12/12/24
Working hard or hardly working? Regardless, what is your current job, and how does it affect the clothes you buy and wear? How much overlap is there between your workwear and off-duty clothing? How can you/do you balance dressing for work and dressing for yourself? If anyone is hiring someone to talk online all day, please let us know. 🙏

63 Replies
i'm a history major and i'm told i dress like it
there is next to no overlap between my workwear and my day-to-day because my work has a uniform
Early on into this fashion thing i bought two pairs of outlier bombworks pants, that have now become pretty much the only pants i wear when working because idk what they were on when they made that fabric but i cant seem to do any damage to it and it moves well.
the only thing i have confirmed that we can convince our GM to budge on is pants
and that’s because he’s well aware that the uniform pants are kinda shit
I run a vintage market so it’s very in line with the MFAD aesthetic hahahaha
I work from home so I can wear whatever I want, as long as I have a shirt with a collar or a sweater on camera. My work interprets that very loosely
Atm I'm working for a warehouse so dark clothing, usually grey or black, and steel toe boots.
I often work with machines so I can't wear pants that are too wide
I’m in tech mode so I’m wearing a corpo quarter zip
I'm the chief I.T. guy and I wear what you see in my waywt posts on my wfh days and a suit / sport coat and tie on my days in the office. There's no dress code looking for this I'm just wilfully overdressed.
Serious answer is I work in education and mostly wear the same stuff I wear in my waywt posts. Minus jewellery and what I see as more out there things in my wardrobe (they aren't really out there at all), I cannot be bothered with the comments from coworkers such as "why are you so dressed up?" and things of that nature
You wanna be our IT guy
1) you dress better
2) our IT guy sucks
thank you for affirming me
What you see is what I wear to work usually.
I work in education and there’s no Dresscode.
The only thing I watch out for is to not wear stuff that would be strange or distracting for the kids, because it’d just make my life harder.
I would put 100% more effort into dressing than him and 100% less into doing any actual IT stuff.
Thats ok our IT guy just gets in the way of people trying to do stuff
I WFH, so anything. That's led to me dressing very casually. I do put in effort to dress nicely when I go out everyday.
Classic, he obv graduated top of his IT guy classes. :xd:
Anyway I am a college student and I wear basically whatever and it hasn’t been a problem except that I can’t use a computer with a bunch of jewelry on my hand/wrist so sometimes in classes where I need my laptop I have a big pile of jewelry next to me the whole time

I got laid off. So...everything and nothing is workwear now.
Ya, top of his class at ITT
(connect with me on linkedin plz. sales engineer in EV charging, renewables, IoT, etc.)
Is that the scam school that basically bilked people out of thousands for unaccredited degrees?
ya that’s the joke
flexing the "Blueberries for Sal"
I only vaguely remember the ITT thing from John Oliver. ITT is also the Institute of Technology Tralee, a small now amalgamated college in rural Ireland. :xd:
Yeah it was a total shit show. To be clear: I would never mock a small Irish college. That would be so mean
currently i have a couple jobs and some classes in between the hardware business and the machine trades, which limits how i can dress for myself with all the grease and moving parts i sometimes deal with
this points me towards workwear stylistically speaking but there's some extra elements mixed in like the accessories i machine for myself from time to time (such as a certain striped necklace i'm always spamming)
Posting linkedin is crazy
idgaf I'm desperate
I like you guys. I trust you won't use this for evil
Work is annoyingly too casual for my dressier stuff (I get comments when wearing a sports coat) and too formal for my casual stuff (wouldn't feel comfortable showing up in torn jeans w/ hand done repairs).
Gotta get the bag
Gotta grow that network
I work at a university and the closest thing to a dress code we have was my boss saying "I personally would not wear shorts when holding a lecture" - Personally I sometimes enjoy leaning into the university teacher and wear my corduroy sport coat when teaching latin, but thats it.
My work wardrobe is much more restrained by me commuting by bike and therefore the necessity of wearing weather and bike appropriate clothing.
The latter thing has so far saved me from falling in with big coat sadly
tbh your boss is so real for that
If someone was giving me a lecture and wearing shorts I’d be too distracted by their unprofessional shins to pay attention
I appreciate his very non-confrontational phrasing
I think I would get a disapproving look for showing up in shorts when holding a lecture, but thats about it 😄
(im really not a shorts person, so it does not really matter anyway)
I work in television production and it’s either a sweater vest + khakis/jeans kind of day or a sweats + hoodie kinda day… there’s kinda no dress code in a lot of places, but mostly no shorts, no sandals, no offensive language, etc
So like a hybrid of comfort/corporate..
Free paint brand sweatshirt from paint store, black tee, painter pants, sambas
My work and home clothes dont interact at all and it often has me wondering why i decided this should be my hobby
I’m a librarian and have generally been told by people out of the field that I dress exactly like one and by people in the field that I dress nothing like one which is a kinda interesting dichotomy
I’m a lawyer, so there’s definitely a dress code which we have to abide by which prevents me from just wearing my home fits at work. But it could be worse, some firms expect full suit and tie everyday
Also my boss wears muscle tees and puffer vests every day, so maybe someday I can give no fucks too
That second ring is kinda like this on I wear :letsfuckinggo:

i wfh as a government contractor and anything i post in #waywt i wear. despite the dress code being "business professional" the few times i go in office i'm overdressed if i wear a blazer lol
I work in biomedical research lab at a university. The only dress code is pants and closed toed shoes which most people don’t follow anyways.
I wear what I post to work although I’ll take off coats/sweaters and wear a lab coat if it’s going to get messy (mostly I worry about bleach).
I did get accused of stolen valor once for wearing tweed which is very professor coded and I am not a professor.
bro u hiring? be there next week if u get me in
I'm in the warehouse mafia, so I'm limited to mostly workwear/milsurp stuff that can handle getting dirty and fucked up. It can be limiting, but I try to have fun with it
Ugh, I wish we need to eliminate some personnel rn
A couple weeks ago we took a day to do some yard work instead of painting and i showed up in a hoodie, carhartt jeans, and chippewa boots and my boss/coworkers are making fun of me for having “dressed up” to do yard work
I teach middle school, and this year I am thinking to myself, “I’m leaning way more into teacher clothes,” by wearing more ties, sweaters and blazers, but “teacher clothes” nowadays around here are mostly hoodies or polos and jeans/chinos. So I guess it’s more of an imagined or bygone stereotype of teacher clothes
So midwest core
I work in a corporate environment and can pretty much wear whatever I want. My work and home style is essentially the exact same
i feel very very lucky for how i’m able to interface w clothes: I’m a graduate student and can express myself any way i want as long as i get work done. i dress up for meetings/presentations in non-conventional formal clothing and have gotten pretty positive response from it too
I’m an archivist which I guess stylistically should be somewhere between stodgy history professor and librarian. Cardigans are expected but tweed feels like overdoing it, realistically I just need to tuck in a button down shirt and everyone is happy. Starting a new job soon which hopefully will give me more leeway to dress creatively, as my work fits (stuff I post here that is more ivy) isn’t usually how I like to dress at home.
I wear workwear whilst being a work from home fintech bro
Everything I wear is for my own amusement for better or worse
I'm literally taking fit pics in the office now
Honestly working from home has been disastrous for my fits. It's too easy to just have 1-3 outfits I rotate thru to sit at my desk and walk the dog and then do laundry on the weekend
Another full WFH in IT reporting here. Those few times i go to the office, I always feel overdressed :derek:
Man even when I wfh, I still try to put that shit on. Maybe not full suit and tie, but definitely something work oriented. It just kinda gets me in the mode and make it easier to mentally break up work and home life.
I did this quite a bit when the pandemic first started but fell off quite a bit since then
I work in hybrid workplace. Beside what i post on #waywt , whenever i need to commute to work, usually my go-to outfit are canadian tuxedo (denim jacket and jeans) and ct 70s or recently wearing my old shoes like pottery. At this point it felt like an uniform.
Topic on point given our discussion the other day! I am in health research and still in office most days. Has a heavy influence on what I wear 5/7 days per week. Need to stay within the broad range of vaguely-defined "business casual" that somewhat limits options. I'm too lazy to change after work. Also too lazy to constantly monitor what I "can" wear on a given day against the calendar, which makes me err on the side of overdressing. Also under-accessorizing since the specifics of my work can make many accessories either annoying or actually legitimately dangerous.