


Open Source Community by Novu




Maximum loadout

Hi, did you test what is the maximum loadout for novu to be hold? How about scaling api and ws on k8s is it possible? And what is the maximum loadout for api and ws to be hold by single instance?

Migrate notifications from MySQL database to Novu

Hello, right now in my system I have a notifications drawer that retrieves the notifications from a MySQL database, and I am working on implementing Novu. I was wondering if there is a way to migrate my old notifications onto Novu so the users don't lose them.

Update SubscriberId

During sign up I'm creating a userid which is being used as the subscriber id, later on I'm assigning a new token to this user which I wish to use as the new SubscriberId. Can I update the subscriberId to this token.

Subscribers limit?

Is there any limit on how many subscribers I can add?

Storing of scheduled messages

Does Novu store scheduled notifications in memory or permanent storage? The reason to ask is if the system hosting Novu is rebooted, do the scheduled notifications get wiped off? I am using self hosted Novu, hence the question....

Is there a way in Novu to stop sending the same email more than once to subscribers?

If the email gets triggers twice can I stop it from being delivered to subscribers if they have already received the same email.

Triggering Emails to multiple providers

Is there any way of triggering email to multiple subscriber ids at once or do I do it inside a for loop

Is there an API to bulk-delete messages?

E.g. if i have a list of 10 messages I want to delete

How many transaction IDs can be supported in the messages endpoint?

Let's say I am trying to get messages for multiple transactions. How many transactions can I fetch messages for at once?

Websocket Service

Hi, Is there any authentication mechanism for web socket ?

Provider with multiple sender id

I have a provider for which I have multiple Sender ID . But as per your implementation only single sender id can be provided for a provider . Is there a way multiple sender id can be configured for a provider ? @Support...

Is there a way to set an expiry on triggered notifications?

For example if I am triggering notifications that I want to expire (delete) within x hours

Trigger event with template id

Can we pass template id (Mongo Id) in the payload while calling the trigger event API? The reason I ask is I noticed there is some inconsistency regarding templates. Update or Delete templates requires template id but sending notification requires template name....

Getting 402 error while triggering the error

Hey guys I am trying to trigger an email notification from my node js app and getting this error message "Request failed with status code 422" ...

Switch Workflow Notification template if Digest

Scenario: We want to change the content of a Notification, if the notification contains only 1 event (to support pluralisation) Problem: The following expression is always true, even if there is only 1 event:...

Add dynamic filter to a topic

Scenario: We want to notify all subscriber of a topic when a new file was uploaded to the server, so we are trigger an event to a topic using the .NET SDK: ```csharp var dto = new EventTopicTriggerDto()...

App crashing

I'm having an issue with clicking on the action. As seen in the video I get sent straight to an error page. I haven't been able to figure out the root cause as of why this is happening, so I was hoping you guys could guide me in the correct direction.

How do you create a subscriber using the Notification Center for React

I am using the NovuProvider, however I can't seem to find the process for updating the subscriber properties i.e. email, number or any other metadata <NovuProvider backendUrl={novuBackendUrl} socketUrl={novuSocketUrl}...

Notification center

Hii, I have been using novu for some time. Have observed a strange behaviour in angular. 1.Sometimes mark as read functionality (in case of multiple notifications) does not work properly in angular.When clicked on it, notification count does not change and message changes to read status. 2.If i click on the message, the notification count does not change.This happens occasionally....

Issue with template

I created a workflow and added sms step in it . It works fine but when I change the content of sms , novu is picking old message content only . The problem gets resolved after deploying it again. Looks like a bug in update template flow. #bug...