Conflicts with Vuetify

Configuring Novu on an existing Vue project with Vuetify there are 2 errors: [Vue warn]: Component "VTooltip" has already been registered in target app. [Vue warn]: Component "VMenu" has already been registered in target app. Any advice about how exclude importing those components or rename them? Thanks!
5 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
Hi @giovaparty is it possible you can share your setup in codesandbox?
giovapartyOP2y ago
SOLUTION: import * as allComponents from 'vuetify/components'; const components = {...allComponents}; // allComponents is read-only delete components.VTooltip; delete components.VMenu; import { VTooltip as VuetifyTooltip, VMenu as VuetifyMenu } from 'vuetify/components'; components.VuetifyTooltip = VuetifyTooltip; components.VuetifyMenu = VuetifyMenu; import * as directives from 'vuetify/directives'; const vuetify = createVuetify({ components, directives, iconfont: 'mdi' }); I renamed the Vuetify Components, now Novu is working! Thanks @Pawan Jain !
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
I should say thanks to you. I barely helped Your solution will help other community members
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain17mo ago
@giovaparty I am documenting this in our docs, but a bit confused about how to add this above information. Could you please share a minimal example in codesanbox / github on how to use Novu Vue package with Vuetify. It will be a big help for all comunnity members who are using Vue package

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