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How to Handle Missing Output When Skipping Steps in a Workflow with Dependent Steps?

I'm implementing a workflow with three steps: in-app, delay, and another in-app. The first in-app step is conditional and can be skipped based on certain logic. However, when the step is skipped, no output is returned. This causes the delay step to fail with the error: 'first-step-name' has invalid result. Please provide the correct step result. ...

How to dynamically pass tags in in-app workflows?

import { workflow } from "@novu/framework"; import { payloadSchema } from "./schemas"; export const testInAppNotification = workflow( "test-in-app-notification",...

Are there any suggestions for message housekeeping? Especially since you Archive Messages.

Since the patch notes "Archiving vs. removal: Notifications are now archived instead of removed, preserving historical data and preventing accidental data loss." We are wondering whats the best practices in general for house keeping of messages. Are e.g. read messages but not archived deleted at some point automatically? Do you suggest to do the housekeeping yourself for each "workflow" type of message? If you don't have any housekeeping solution i think we just use the delete API and probably define a policy where we delete messages which are read after 14 days and when archived after a year, or do you think this is a bad idea....


Hi all, We've been running Novu for a little while now, however just in the past couple of days we're seeing a lot of BridgeRequestTimeout We're not seeing any failures our side can we get some info on what might be going on here?...

Dynamic Workflow Tags (for in app tabs)

Hi Team, we're using single workflow for sending different notification to user and we want to tag the same based notification being sent. eg. if we're sending user management notification then "user-management-tag" for other promotion type notification then "promotion-tag" Reference:

SMS Provider Error

Each time I try to trigger an SMS workflow using the sample Novu SMS provider. I keep getting that error and my count of messages I have left (used to be 20) keeps going down. I don't know where the From phone number is coming from. Unexpected provider error { "message": "Message cannot be sent with the current combination of 'To' (+1508555XXXX) and/or 'From' (+447446293296) parameters",...

Local Studio stuck showing a skeleton

Hi everyone, this is what i do to start localstudio start the app (the demo my-novu-app) npm run dev...

Integration instance selected

All steps are passing but can't receive the email and also Integration instance selected is shown in red text. I don't have any context by myself I tried to lookup network tab and everything seems to be ok....
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Copy workflows from development to production

How do I copy workflows from development to production? I can't even open them in two different tabs and copy it manually because it switches the environment on the original tab to production. I also can't delete the "On-boarding notification" on production. Edit: Actually I can't update any of the workflows on production, the options are all disabled with no indication as to why.

Novu Sync returns a 500

errorId: ef0c99330a47454996e4ed76e29a52d5 This error occurs both on Github Actions and CLI command: ```npx novu@latest sync \ --bridge-url ...

Unexpected Provider Error for SES and Twilio

We use v0.24.0 for api and v0.24.4 for worker, ws and web We've set up the providers under "Integrations Store". We've also set up the Workflow. However, we encounter a "Unexpected provider error" message for both workflows. The screenshots provided shows workflow for SES Email and the end result. Can we please get some assistance on this @Support...
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Custom workflow step preference

I've created a custom expo push step for my workflow due to that i need the expo push ticket that is returned. How can i make it so it is recognised as a push preference?

How do I make the Inbox sticky/fixed?

Using the previous NotificationCenter it aligned the Notification box directly under the Bell and adjusted the "top" prop even on scroll and was always fixed. How can I get the same behaviour with the new Inbox component?

Reviewing event usage due to sudden billing limit

We just noticed 402 errors. It's pretty perplexing because we don't have nearly enough users to trigger this and the amount of activities is less than 1000 for the billing period so far. I don't know if we have an API key leaked or if development environments are being counted etc. Is there a way to get some visibility? We're worried if we pay the increased tier cost we'll just end up blowing through it anyway....

Custom Channel Preferences

I would like to use my own api to connect via our RSS channel, is there a way we can let users add that custom Channel and activate it via api? we can use subId to deliver to the correct end user

Just migrated from v0 to v2, getting a 400 error on deployment

Hello we’ve just migrated from v0 to v2. We manually rebuilt out notifications to be code-first and are now trying to push them to dev then production. When trying to do it from my Local Studio, I get this error: Error occurred while syncing. Signature does not match the expected signature. Please ensure the signature provided in the novu-signature header is correct and try again. And doing it from our Github actions leads to a 400 with no context....

Custom data/payload

Hi guys, I'm trying to send more data such as title or anything custom but it's seems like it's not included in the payload. (In-app notifixations) ```ts payload: {...
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Novu workflow is sending a payload but headless never gets the data...

``` Sending: curl -X POST '' \ -H 'Authorization: ApiKey NOVU_SECRET_KEY' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' ...

Rate limit for topic email

Hey, I noticed today that I hit a rate limit on resend while sending out a weekly email that I trigger using a topic.
Is it possible somehow to add a delay so that not all email is sent at the same time?...

Timezone in dateFormat

Hi guys, would love to know if there's some way of outputting dates in a different timezone than UTC. I've gone through the code and I don't believe it's possible as of now?