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novu framework questions

i have a couple questions about novu framework that i still need help with if someone has a moment!

Is there a migration path from v0.x to v2.x self hosted?

I'm currently running self hosted 0.23 in production and have ~30 workflows. Should I in theory be able to migrate to 2.x? Seems like lots has changed between them but I haven't seen anything explicitly say you can't migrate, but also can't seem to find docs advising what that migration looks like. Is there breaking changes in the data model between them?...

Free trial ends ask to pay somehing

Well Im quick lost Ive just received an email from Novu saying that : ``` Your free trial ends on November 21, 2024 Your free trial for Novu Business Events and 1 more product with Novu US, Inc. will end soon. You have an upcoming payment on November 21, 2024. ...

requestPath: '@novu/application-generic' not found how to fix

✔ TSC Initializing type checker...
TSC Found 348 errors. Watching for file changes. TSC Found 0 issues. Generating metadata...
...Successfully compiled src\metadata.ts with swc (214.01ms) .....node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:423...

How to start Local Studio without starting the Local Tunnel?

Pretty much the title. According to this: it says we more than likely wont need the local tunnel support, however I can't seem to find out how to run the Local Studio without running the local tunnel

Self-hosting - will it remain free?

Firstly, we have been using Novu for over a year now and it's a great product, thank you all for your hard work and such a useful product! We are self-hosting Novu in our own infrastructure and I've been asked to upgrade from 0.19 to 0.24 and the v2.0 inbox component. Before we do this, I've been asked to get clarification on a few things: 1. Are there any limitations placed on the latest open source version? There is concern that the open source version may have trigger limits placed upon it and may stop issuing notifications once those limits are breached. 2. Are there any costs associated with the v2.0 inbox component or using v0.24 when self-hosting?...

where can we add feed identifier on web UI

We are not able to find adding feed identifier on web ui

Notification Priority?

Does Novu have any ability to make some notifications more important than others? For example I'm using Novu to send Reset Password emails, and I also want to use it to send some marketing messages. Issues that we've had in the past mixing platforms that send both critical messages and marketing messages, always come back to a problem where there was a massive amount of marketing messages queued up, and the critical ones are waiting in line behind that. So lets say I had a topic that kicked off an email to 100k users. This is a marketing message and is "low" priority to send. Is there anyway for me to make sure that the "Reset Password" emails go to the front of the queue when they are triggered?...

Looking for a new role to work as a Frontend Engineer

❤️Dear YOU.❤️ My name is Vladislav Gostiuc and I'm a senior frontend engineer with 7 years of experience from UK. I have strong proved experience in building user-friendly and responsive websites and dynamic web applications. I'm looking for new opportunity. If you have one, please contact me....

Trigger in-app from free Novu cloud account

I am exploring the Inbox component and want to trigger some in-app notifications from Novu Cloud. However, with a free account, there are no existing workflows to test it. Could you please help to trigger some feeds to know its capabilities?

@novu/notification-center creates subscriber when it doesn't exist

Hi Team, I was experimenting with React @novu/notification-center and noticed that it creates a new subscriber if the provided subscriberId doesn't exist. While the Subscriber API is protected by an API key, it seems that a subscriber can be created simply by providing the applicationIdentifier. Is this the intended behaviour, seems like a security issue? ``` <NovuProvider subscriberId={'on-boarding-subscriber-id-xyz'}...

v2 release date

I know I keep asking, but does anyone know when we might see the self-hosted version of the novu framework be released? I've seen in a couple of posts it was to be at the end of August but just wanted to confim. Thanks!...

clue about dev to production and cloud

Im a little bit confused about how can we pass from dev to prod, as i was told pushing from dev to main is making the changes. But this take some time? Im a bit lost with the things have to be synced and made to get to prod. Maybe im doing something wrong but couldnt make the use of the cloud use yet,...

🚨 Post Guidelines 🚨

This forum channel is for EVERYTHING. Want to share something useful, funny, interesting, off-topic, or anything else. This is the place for it! But to get actual help with anything - please post over the #💬│support channel....

"Online" means actively using the app?

Hi, everyone! Does anyone know if being "online" means actively using the app? if I were to set up a push for someone who's not been online for 3 days, means they have not use my app for 3 days?

Where to report a broken Novu Cloud API?

Looking at the support channel seeing little action, where should I report a broken API endpoint?

Are there any plans for Echo in Novu cloud?

In order to have my workflows defined in code and version control, I should use Echo. If I understand the documentation correctly, I need my own runtime to use Echo and can not rely only on your cloud offering, is this correct? If so, are there any plans on providing this runtime in the Novu cloud?...

Novu Deployment on EKS

Hi everyone, I'm new on Novu Community, I want to setup Novu in kubernetes environment using AWS EKS, I couldn't find any official Novu documentation about Novu Deployment on k8s, further I see on Novu site that we can't deploy novu web container on k8. is there anyone who have deployed Novu on k8 and running more than one pods of api, worker and ws services of Novu?

Publishing on SQS through Novu

Hey guys, a client asks us to push their notifications on an AWS SQS queue. We'd like to use Novu for that for multiple reasons (notification unicity, reuse of all our existing notification templates, etc...). What would be required for this integration to be possible ? Thank you !...

Use novu on edge`

I'm trying to tigger notification from vercel adge worker and I'm getting an error that xhr adapter is not available and I can only use http (fetch) ``` [AxiosError: There is no suitable adapter to dispatch the request since : - adapter xhr is not supported by the environment...