Api documentation for organization
Hi. in the new version of api documentation i don't see api to create the organization ? is that missing of documentation?
6 Replies
Hey @mohanrao8780
Support of creating organizations was deprecated from Novu cloud few months ago
Are you using novu cloud or self hosting novu?
Would you like to share the usecase with organization apis?
self hostin novu @Pawan Jain
also @Pawan Jain i found the self hosted novu has different ui than cloud in the new version .
@mohanrao8780 yes
novu cloud has new dashboard and self hosted images has old dashboard
Thanks @Pawan Jain . downstream/infuture will it be like this or will it be different
Hey Mohan
Yeah, it will be the same for near future. We will keep the community updated about changes
Yeah, it will be the same for near future. We will keep the community updated about changes