Novu•2y ago

notification group/ workflow group- adding workflows, subscribers to the group

Hi There, I am looking to create Workflow group and then in those groups, * *want to create workflows so that, when a new Subscriber is created I subscribe him to workflow group instead of each workflow and also, if i add a new workflow later, i wont need to add subscriber to that workflow I will just add the workflow to the workflow group and all the subscribed users will get notifications. I checked Create WOrkflow group page https://docs.novu.co/api-reference/workflow-groups/create-workflow-group but how can i assign workflows and subscribers to this group?
Create workflow group - Novu
workflow group was previously named notification group
12 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•2y ago
Hi @Saruchi Currently, workflow group (notification group) does not have any use. As you said, you wanted your users (subscribers) to subscribe to group instead of individual workflows, we are planning something like this in future. But currently, subscriber have to manage preference for one workflow or global
SaruchiOP•2y ago
@Pawan Jain Do you think I can use Topic for this purpose? I didnt see any thing where i can add workflows to Topic also.. If Topic is just for bulk notifications then what is the use of Broadcast Trigger Notifications? Dont they both solve the same purpose? Adding further details to my use case: 1. I want all the subscribers subscribed to notification group so that in future when i create new workflow (or even subscriber) i need not to worry about adding my subscriber to the workflow I will just add subscriber to workflow group and what ever future workflows are added ,my subscribers will keep getting notifications for them.. but now when i create a new subscriber , I have a hassle to 1. add them to default workflows (by getting the workflow ID - assigning them as constants and subscribing users to it-looks like bad coding practice) @Pawan Jain How soon is the Workflow group expected to release?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•2y ago
@Saruchi May be there is some misunderstanding, Currently, all subscribers are subscribed to all new and existing workflows until subscribers change their preference themselves
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•2y ago
SaruchiOP•2y ago
@Pawan Jain In my use case, i need to set Email false by default until subscriber changes preference So i call UpdatePreference as soon as the Subscriber is created and I need workflowId for UpdatePreference() but this preference should be applicable to all workflows (in my use case) and I have to explicitly (hard coded) provide the workflow Ids I think i can call getAllWorkflows () and apply preference on the returned workflows instead of explicitly providing each workflowId
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•2y ago
We added one feature of global subscriber preference it will change channel preference for all workflows in one single api call Will it work for your usecase
Osama Sayed
Osama Sayed•17mo ago
Sorry which version is this? I have a use-case where I ask users for consent to receive emails and if they don't give consent, I want to globally disable email sending for that user. Is that already possible?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•17mo ago
@Osama Sayed it was added with version 0.20.0 We will update the docs soon to reflect this feature
Osama Sayed
Osama Sayed•17mo ago
Thanks for getting back to me! Was 0.20.0 released already? https://github.com/novuhq/novu/releases shows the latest is 0.19.0
No description
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•17mo ago
release notes and docs are WIP 🙂
Osama Sayed
Osama Sayed•17mo ago
great, thank you!
SaruchiOP•12mo ago
I dont find V20 in nuget.org . The latest version is 0.3.3 https://www.nuget.org/packages/Novu/0.3.3?_src=template
Novu 0.3.3

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