Created by Saruchi on 3/20/2024 in #💬│support
Is there a V0.23.0 of Novu nuget package? for Global preference
How can I use it? i want to use GlobalSubscriberPreference API which was introduced in V0.20 but only has versions till V0.3.3
20 replies
Created by Saruchi on 1/3/2024 in #💬│support
Payload JsonObject not getting parsed from Swagger in .net
Hi There, I am trying to pass a JsonObject for my custom Payload and when I try to use System.Text.JsonObject for the payload with [FromBody] attribute the value always shows me null but when I use JObject for payload with [FromBody] it works fine I think its a limitation from JSonObject.. how do others use custom payload?
13 replies
Created by Saruchi on 12/29/2023 in #💬│support
self host
Hi There, I am facing an issue with Subscribers: Dummy subscribers are getting created automatically. I am creating subscribers with a custom subscriber ID(subscriberID in Novu= userId in my existing application) using the Subscriber End point But now Subscribers for existing users are getting created automatically with dummy subscriberIds and same Email as existing users. Please suggest a solution for this
15 replies
Created by Saruchi on 10/3/2023 in #💬│support
notification group/ workflow group- adding workflows, subscribers to the group
Hi There, I am looking to create Workflow group and then in those groups, * *want to create workflows so that, when a new Subscriber is created I subscribe him to workflow group instead of each workflow and also, if i add a new workflow later, i wont need to add subscriber to that workflow I will just add the workflow to the workflow group and all the subscribed users will get notifications. I checked Create WOrkflow group page but how can i assign workflows and subscribers to this group?
17 replies
Created by Saruchi on 9/26/2023 in #💬│support
AWS InvalidClientTokenId error
I am using AWS key and secret access key and trying to send an email notification but getting { "name": "InvalidClientTokenId", "$fault": "client", "$metadata": { "httpStatusCode": 403, "requestId": "", "attempts": 1, "totalRetryDelay": 0 }, "Type": "Sender", "Code": "InvalidClientTokenId", "message": "The security token included in the request is invalid." } I have tried generating a new access key and secret ..same with the new one..
2 replies
Created by Saruchi on 9/22/2023 in #💬│support
How to link SubscriberCreateData with Subscriberpreferences while triggering a notification event?
I am creating a Subscriber with SubscriberCreateData And adding preference for Email,slack,Inapp using SubscriberPreferenceEditData When i trigger a notification using Event.Trigger(EventCreateData) to the same preferences are not met SubscriberPreferenceEditData is not attached to the Subscriber Object
10 replies
Created by Saruchi on 9/19/2023 in #💬│support
integrating slack chat throws subscriber does not have a configured channel
I am trying to integrate Slack chat notification to my workflow But i keep getting Subscriber does not have a configured channel error In Get Subscriber i can see the channel array is empty, even though i get email notifications for this subscriber I tried adding chat to the subscriber channel list by the API but not working.. workflow trigger still says channel not configured for subscriber Using Novu managed approach Any ideas please ?
5 replies
Created by Saruchi on 9/15/2023 in #💬│support
Event Trigger throws an error -workflow not found in self hosted
-"{"statusCode":422,"message":"workflow_not_found","error":"UnProcessableEntity Even though the trigger exists when I check in Get/workflows This started happening today. only the onboarding events show 200 all other events (tried with creating new events) throws this error
6 replies
Created by Saruchi on 9/13/2023 in #💬│support
What is a Template in Subscriber preference and where can I get the template ID
I am using Self hosted version of Novu with .net I am trying to set Notification preferences for a subscriber but I am not sure what is a template and where can I find the templateId? I see a MessageTemplate table and id in MongoDb but not sure how is it related to the preference?
2 replies
Created by Saruchi on 9/12/2023 in #💬│support
Server Specs for Novu
what is the optimal specs for running a development Novu and the production Novu?
2 replies