setup self-hosted novu on aws-ec2 instance(ubuntu 20.04) but not getting api-key
in-app notification characters limit
Remove Corrupted Promotions for Deleted Workflows
Preview SMS notification content
Where and how can I edit System Variables?
AxiosError and Notifications not being sent
How can I show a notification in the notification center as deleted without refreshing?
Unexpected provider error
iframe notification center issue
Subscriber missing recipient details
How to create subscriber using LDAP and Zuora
Any documentation for invite members functionality?
Purge old data
Request entity too large error
{"statusCode":413,"message":"request entity too large"}
The template weights 106kbs...Any alternative way to add a team member on self hosted versions?
Migrate data from 0.9.0 -> latest
This branch is 5 commits ahead, 6465 commits behind novuhq:next.
I have to install novu using the latest images and basically kill the fork but I have to migrate the database. I think the fork is at 0.9.0.
Now what's the best approach to upgrade to latest? I figured I just set up 0.9.0 again, then migrate the data and then just take one 0.x.0 version at a time?...webhook url for sendgrid
How to move Nove to another VPS without losing data?