


Open Source Community by Novu




setup self-hosted novu on aws-ec2 instance(ubuntu 20.04) but not getting api-key

I have setup self-hosted novu using docker-compose on my aws-ec2 instance(ubuntu 20.04) after sign up unable to copy api-key from UI

Remove Corrupted Promotions for Deleted Workflows

I have been adding a few workflows on the side and when I add a workflow then delete it. The promotion says even though the workflow is deleted. Is there a way I can manually delete these?...
No description

Preview SMS notification content

Hey Novu Team! Is there a plan to implement a preview option for SMS notification content?...

Where and how can I edit System Variables?

How can I effectively modify and incorporate new system variables, or simply variables, into Novu?

AxiosError and Notifications not being sent

We are accessing the Novu API (Novu Web/Hosted Version) using the @Novu/node package and recently when we try to send bulk notifications we get this error: ```AxiosError: Request failed with status code 400 2023-08-11T14:08:20.625 app[e784e33f900183] iad [info] at settle (/app/node_modules/@novu/node/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:19:12) ...

How can I show a notification in the notification center as deleted without refreshing?

When I use the API to delete a message: it remains in the notification center until the page is refreshed. Is there a way to have this removed from the notification center feed without a refresh being needed?

Unexpected provider error

Hi, I'm currently running novu locally using docker compose. I set up a basic workflow that sends a push notification. I set up the FCM provider. I then use the following script to send a notification: ```js...

Subscriber missing recipient details

Hey can someone please help me, getting this error, here's what's my code looks like ``` await novu.trigger("event_name" { to: {...

How to create subscriber using LDAP and Zuora

we use LDAP and Zuora for user management may I know what would be the best approach to create subscribers for each user and how we can maintain them on Novu? by @Nish...

Any documentation for invite members functionality?

Can one organisation can have only one admin ? how can more users be added for already created organisation ? what is invite members functionality ? @Support...

Enable SSL

How can i configure SSL for all aaps? can you please guide me?...

Purge old data

Is there a mechanism to purge or archive old data? Some companies have policies to archive old data after certain number of years so just wanted to check if Novu has a process to take care of it.

Request entity too large error

Hey guys! Have some problems with self-hosted novu. While trying to lode up a email html template got {"statusCode":413,"message":"request entity too large"} The template weights 106kbs...

Any alternative way to add a team member on self hosted versions?

as emails can't be sent at the moment, I am curious if there is an alternative means to add a team member, a link perhaps?

Migrate data from 0.9.0 -> latest

Hello, so I have a server running a fork of novu: This branch is 5 commits ahead, 6465 commits behind novuhq:next. I have to install novu using the latest images and basically kill the fork but I have to migrate the database. I think the fork is at 0.9.0. Now what's the best approach to upgrade to latest? I figured I just set up 0.9.0 again, then migrate the data and then just take one 0.x.0 version at a time?...

webhook url for sendgrid

Hey all, I'm looking to receive and record email (sendgrid) sent, open, and click events in my app. Typically I'd register a webhook in sendgrid to do this. But since emails are triggered through Novu now, how would I go about implementing this? by @pxue ref:-

How to move Nove to another VPS without losing data?

Hello, if I'd like to transfer novu on another VPS, how would I keep my data? Do I have to just transfer the docker volumes?