Novu2y ago

Migrate data from 0.9.0 -> latest

Hello, so I have a server running a fork of novu: This branch is 5 commits ahead, 6465 commits behind novuhq:next. I have to install novu using the latest images and basically kill the fork but I have to migrate the database. I think the fork is at 0.9.0. Now what's the best approach to upgrade to latest? I figured I just set up 0.9.0 again, then migrate the data and then just take one 0.x.0 version at a time?
1 Reply
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
Hi @balance We do release notes for every new major and patch release. You can take a look at all our release notes here https://github.com/novuhq/novu/releases Each release note has breaking changes mentioned and how to migrate them So you can upgrade in incremental manner

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