


Open Source Community by Novu




Reusable HTML / MJML components in email templates

HI there, I have a usecase where I have a lot of transactional emails to setup which share some common non trivial components (Product card, User card, Table etc). I guess I don't have much other choice than writing these specific components in HTML, but what would be the best way to centralise the code of these components? Is there any better approach than duplicating the code in each template where I need it... ? Thanks for insights and help 🙏

Unable to send multi-recipients email using curl command

Hi, I am trying to send email using curl command. I am able to send email to single recipient but not able to send email to multiple recipients. I am using below command to send email to multiple recipients. ```...

Machine requirement for self-host

Does anyone know a recommendation for self-hosting using a Docker container? I can say that 1 vcore and 1 GB RAM is not enough, even just to get the services run.

Generating JWT

How to generate the JWT token that is inside the env file for api, websocket and webserver for my deployment?

Notifications are going extremely slow

Hey, I have an issue where my notifications are going extremely slow. I'm using the cloud novu version. Is it cause the number of subscribers is too much? Additionally, will my notifications to discord, slack or email go quick if i hosted it in my own AWS?...

Help on QuickStart - Please guide

Hi team, I am trying to set up a QuickStart tutorial in my system by referring to this Questions/Queries 1. From where I will get values for the below variables REACT_APP_SUB_ID=...
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Create a workflow that send a summary of unread messages from InApp

How can I just create a summary of messages / events that have not been marked as read by the user? What will be the right Workflow? At the moment we have....

Limit query params not working on notifications/feed API

I had pass in limit as query params and it doesn't reflect on the response. As you can see I set the limit to 20 but the response still mentioning page size 10. My current Novu version is v0.13, is this already being fixed on later version?...
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Digest Email Workflow test not showing step events -

Hi guys, thanks for help ahead of time.
In my custom code for the email, I have: <p>You subscribed to be notified when an article or intelligence report is published with a particular tag.</p> <p>...

Support for personal user notifications on Slack

Currently, Novu only facilitates channel-based notifications. When I attempt to authorize Slack, the system prompts me to choose a channel for notifications. However, I would prefer the option to send messages directly to a specific user instead. Technical side of this issue is, novu currently requests the "incoming-webhook" scope. Instead, it should request the "chat:write" and "im:write" scopes to enable the direct sending of messages to a user, bypassing the necessity for a channel....

How to contribute and be assign to open issues

Hello, how can i be assign to open issues on the repo to contribute to the open source project ? And how is your process of open source working in more details ? Thanks a lot in advance !...

Sending Mobile Push Notifications to Different Mobile Devices Owned by the Same Person

Hi, I have a usecase of an event triggering a workflow which needs to send push notifications to a user in the payload and each of his/her mobile devices. For example, when a reminder is triggered - a push notificaiton should go to his/her iPhone and iPad. What is the recommended way of doing this? Below are the solutions I've thought of so far: - Each user is a unique Subscriber and their mobile tokens are included in the data column as a list? - Each mobile device is a unique subscriber and the User/Subscriber map should be kept in an external DB? Are there any easier methods of doing this?...

How to add deep link in push notification (firebase provider)

Hello, I don't understand how to insert a deep link in my push notification. Is this related to the override section ?...

Best way to cancel a currently in-progress workflow?

Probably easier to describe what I am trying to do. If a user signs up for newsletters, this triggers a workflow with n emails. The emails are spaced out by days. If the user signs up for a subscription while this workflow is "in progress" I want to cancel this workflow so I can start them on a different workflow. I know that when I trigger the workflow originally I get a transaction id, is there a way to get the current "in progress" transactions for a subscriber so I can cancel the remainin...

Overrides content of push notification (firebase provider)

I'm currently trying to overrides the content of the push notification I need to be able to add a title, custom message, image, and a deep link I'm not really sure to understand how the overrides section is working. when i trigger my workflow with the overrides section i don't receive the notification anymore on my device without it i receive it but with the default value set in Novu interface....
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get subscriber by email

Hi! I would like to get subscriber by email. I only found method It's not appropriate for my logic. Or is there any method to get all subscribers without page limits, so that I can filter with needed email?

In Self host Novu Mark all as read click then unseen count Api not call

const SUBSCRIBER_ID = "6540a66d7b9fca870e413e123"; const APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER = "rR_23432455"; const Has_MAC = "ead079cc6c42447accf4ac8f7cf52711a56988eaf4696940a5d8ad560d4828a7"; const NOVU_BACKEND_URL = "";...

Bulk create topics with one api call

Is there are support for bulk create topics in one api call and adding subscribers to different topics at the same time with one api call again?