Novu15mo ago

NotificationId in Push notification

Hello All, Is there any way there we can provide NotificationId as additional parametter for push notification, It will help us to retrive data based on notification action.
10 Replies
Novu_Bot15mo ago
@dhruv.barot, you just advanced to level 2!
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain15mo ago
@dhruv.barot Yes you can use custom fields in override data field if you are using FCM https://docs.novu.co/channels-and-providers/push/fcm#sdk-trigger-example
dhruv.barotOP15mo ago
Thanks, We are trying to add Novu generate notificationId inside FCM custom fields.
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain15mo ago
@dhruv.barot It is not possible to send notifficationId in push notification data field because data field can be changed before trigger but notificationId is generated after trigger
dhruv.barotOP15mo ago
Okay, We are building one workflow where if user is not online then we can send an Push notification, Now we wanted to link both (in-app & push notification). Is there any suggestion how we can do that?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain15mo ago
Could you share a bit more about linking in-app and push
dhruv.barotOP15mo ago
Yes sure, We are planning to implement the workflow, If the user is online then they will receive an in-app notification otherwise will receive the push notification, Now, users can take action from push notifications, or later they can use the application notification bar to take action, If a user wanted to take action from a push notification at that time we wanted to mark the notification as read, for that we are looking for a link. Let me know if you need more information about use case.
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain15mo ago
Thanks Dhruv for sharing the usecase It can be implemented using step online conditions on subscriber https://docs.novu.co/workflows/step-filters#subscriber-online-conditions Novu supports marking notification as read for in-app notifications (message) only, For all other channels like push, email, sms and chat it is not supported @dhruv.barot Following up on my previous message. Did you get chance to look at step conditons (filters)?
dhruv.barotOP14mo ago
@Pawan Jain : Yes, I have checked that, But that is not align with our requirement, So we are trying to match our use-case with novu implimentation, will let you know if any more question we have.
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain14mo ago
Sure Dhruv Let me know if I can help anywhere

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