Production workflow not running latest promoted version
I fixed an email step in development and promoted the change to production. In the UI, both systems show the correct version of the workflow and of the email template. When I run the development workflow, I get the right email. But when I run the production workflow, I still get an error from the previous version.
I have made other updates and promoted them to see if it would refresh. Same behavior: the UI shows the latest changes but the workflow runs the older version.
Is the promotion stuck?
8 Replies
It eventually worked, after 2 hours :/
@Rapha, you just advanced to level 1!
Have you changed anything?
No - it eventually worked. I think there is some slowness in the cloud backend?
Also experienced some delay in promoted changes applied from development env.
At least for 10 minutes we were getting old notification template and at least in one hour - the new one worked. Cannot say more precisely when it happened as we had no notifications in between.
So would be nice to understand if there is some delay after changes are promoted
@Zac Clifton could you please shed some light on this?
@Dima_hat / @Rapha
Are you still seeing some delay in changes promotion?
Haven't promoted any changes that were so visible our urgent, so not sure