Distant Horizons


Distant Horizons

This is the place to go for: news, information, and discussion about the Distant Horizons Minecraft mod.




dawn craft with DH

so trying to use DH with dawn craft and it just isn’t loading chunks beyond what my render distance is set at, any ideas?

Gap between LODs and regular chunks

Anyone know if there are some settings I need to change to avoid this
oh u gotta increase chunk loading threads in sodium/embeddium performance settings then
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LOD building question

I use WorldPainter to make my maps. What I'd like DH to do is build LODs based on the region files which currently exist, aka the exported WorldPainter map, without creating more LODs outside of the exported area. As far as I can see, you can only set it to build LODs within your render distance or outside it. I'm looking for a way to build outside my render distance but only for regions already generated in .mca files so it doesn't make LODs of vanilla Minecraft unless I purposely enter it....
Try setting generation mode to pre-existing only

LoD speed

Hello ! Im sorry I tried to look through FaQ to find this question as i imagine it may be asked a lot but I couldnt find it. I was just curious how to go about loading lods like distant horizons faster. I have a pretty high end pc and even on aggressive settings. It still loads really slowly without any other mods? I would love to use the mod for projects but at the speed lods load, its difficult.

incompatible with iris?

i thought it was compatible with iris 1.70 and above?
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Made a fresh instance cause the server support fork was crashing my modpack and its still crashing

Only JEI, Embeddium, and Oculus are installed along with an oculus geckolib compatability moda

Non-existent builds persisting

This build I was working on in the sky was //cut to get rid of it, and now it wont regen as missing
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Weird looking view

For some reason when I use DH, it gives me this image.
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Old Generated Chunks Won't Update even when I tried to go in and out from the chunks bunch of times

If there's anything I could think of, When the new structure update came out, I tried to update the chunks with a different account, and when I switched to my main this happen, and it won't update up until now
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Mod 'Distant Horizons' (distanthorizons) 2.1.3-a-dev requires version 1.21.0 of 'Minecraft'

Keep getting this error when booting up Minecraft after installing fabric loader 1.21.1 version. Every other mod I installed is compatible with version 1.21.1, including this mod (I downloaded the most recent version). However, I'm getting an error seemingly saying that this mod requires an older version of Minecraft even though I thought this most recent version was compatible with MC 1.21.1.
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DH not rendering LOD's

Hey everyone, really hope you can help me. I've been trying to get DH to work on my local dedicated server (that only my GF and I are playing on) but so far I've had no luck. I've attached my lastest.log to show what mods we are using and such. I don't get any errors and when I try the wireframe debugging it doesn't show any indication that DH is even working, however the vanilla fog is removed when I enable DH. I know the next troubleshooting step is to remove all mods but I first wanted to see if there is anything else I can do before that. Here is my lastest.log: https://mclo.gs/ZruTkl9...

Game not loading

my game is frozen at the red mojang screen and refuses to load, when i take all my mods out it loads, can someone help me, i can vc and share my screen if needed

need help with writing a DH shader

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask... I'm writing a simple shader, and I need a way to access the blocks' normals. I tried accessing vaNormal (because this is how you do it in the regular shaders) and it returns empty vec3. is the variable named differently in DH or something?
I don't think anyone here knows how to write shaders. Not the people who are active here anyway.

Game crashed out of nowhere

For some reason, while playing in a casual smp server with my friends, my game just crashed. Now this isnt the first time my games crashes due to dh (you can see its dh from the logs), but ill usually ignore it as just a simple restart fixes everything. This is like the 10th and it have gotten into my nerves. Game in it self have no reason to crash as I have really good pc specs.. logs attached /:...

When resetting modded world, old chunks still show when loading new ones. New world name, new world

Title. As seen in the video. I am unsure if this is client or server sided, I can't guage any idea where this old chunk data is being pulled from, as if it's cached somewhere. Thank you!...

Black stripes

Created a reterraforged world with chunky, and I’m using DH. I originally had an issue with LOD loading, but now it’s an issue with black stripes appearing on close LODs. Not sure what’s going on
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How i get rid of that?

hi im building an map for my school home work, and those random generated vanilla world gets on the way(same with small lava pools or trees), i want to know if there is a way of getting rid or smth
Is the issue that DH is generating new chunks outside of your map? If so, you can set generation mode to pre-existing only in dh's settings to stop that
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