The Iris Project


The Iris Project

This server is all about the development and community around Iris Shaders!


Shrimple shaders only applying RTX light within chunk

I have encountered an issue with the Shrimple shader where it only lights up areas within the same chunk and not the area around it. I am currently also using other mods such as distent horizons and some optimization mods. I don't know if this is an issue with Iris or a different mod, but if anyone knows what this issue is, please let me know. Edit: It turns out this is all within one chunk, but it just refuses to correcty light the other parts of the chunk....
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Multiloader-1.21 Testing and issues

Creating this thread to have a single place to track things i find while testing the multiloader dev version

Rethinking voxels

I was trying to use rethinking voxels and there was a error and it said this Shader compilation failed for shadowcomp compute shadowcomp1_a! what do i do?...

game crash when loading into world

i need help when ever i try to load into a world it shows this
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I dont really know whats going on, ChatGPT Keeps saying sm about iris errors

I dont really know whats going on, ChatGPT Keeps saying sm about iris errors and iris not being found so i thought maybe i should come here? anyway, im on quilt 1.20.1 and i think my modlist should be in the logs if im not wrong ill ss the chat gpt convo

Distant Horizons Not Loading LOD's

After trying all the old faq solutions nothing has been working and my DH won't load any chunks. PLS HELP!
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dont open

I can't open the iris application on my desktop, it doesn't do anything for me

1.7.1+1.21 Glowing effect does not work when shader is on (tested complementary, vanillaAA)

The glowing effect works as intended with setting "shaders: disabled" /effect give @e[type=zombie] minecraft:glowing the zombies will have particles, but not glow, when shaders are enabled....

Shaders give super low fps on macs

I have a MacBook Air (M1, 2020) Apple M1 chip 8GB of memory Built-in Retina Display 13.3-inch (2560 × 1600) and when I use makeup ultra fast or chopapaic13 toaster shaders, I only get 20-30 fps when I get 150-160 normally. Is there a way to fix this?...

1.21 nametag Bug

My Friend has a wierd Problem. When He plays with other Players and uses shaders the nametags are buggy.
Probably an inconsistent lunar client issue
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Issue with iris-1.7.1+mc1.20.6 not loading certain shaders (BSL v8.2.07)

It says shaderpack failed to load. I cant click copy info for some reason.

Error loading AstraLex shader

moving_block.fsh: moving_block.fsh: ERROR: 0:1064: '' : syntax error, unexpected SAMPLE, expecting COMMA or SEMICOLON ERROR: 1 compilation errors. No code generated....

Health, hunger and some UI elements dissapear when shaders are on

Worked fine yesterday, today I tried installing Better Combat and while it works fine it would cause the ui to blip out even without shaders Got rid of it, but I am assuming that the problem is still persisting because of something it changed? I also removed a config file and additional library the mod downloaded but no dice...
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White Border Fog with Sildurs Enhanced Default Shaders

I started encountering a white border fog when using Sildur's Enhanced Default (Fancy) Shaders (v1.16 as well as v1.171) in versions above 1.20. In addition to that my hitboxes also started rendering full white instead of being red at the eye height for example but weirdly the hitboxes render their colour correctly if I'm under water. I do not encounter those two bugs on 1.19.4. The first screenshot shows how the border of the chunks should look like (taken in 1.19.4) and the second screenshot shows the white border chunks. (taken in 1.21 but also experienced in 1.20 and all subversions) Does anyone know a solution to not have my border chunks white like that but "normal" like shown in the 1.19.4 screenshot?...
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Player texture error in inventory 1.21

When I load the shader there is a small error in the player model, for example the tool in the hand and the elytra do not appear, they are invisible. This remains even after disabling the shader. It is only solved when I restart the game with the shader disabled. - iris-1.7.1+mc1.21 - sodium-fabric-0.5.9+mc1.21...
fix coming with 1.7.2
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iris not integrated Dist Horizons

When ever I install iris into my computer it works fine with no crash errors but when I download and put in dist horizons it gave me a error message and telling me to uninstall the already up to version sodium and iris, I am also running this on fabric mod