Iris reordering draw calls for GeckoLib4 render layers [1.21.1]
Iris seems to be reorganizing draw calls for GeckoLib4 render layers. I'm drawing using a GeoEntityRenderer that is sensitive to the order in which the draw calls occur, and when Iris is installed the order gets messed up. Notably this doesn't happen with Sodium installed but not Iris.
I have some RenderDoc captures, one with the issue occuring (with Iris installed) and one without the issue occuring (with just Sodium installed).
Code snippet with the intended order (glow, claws, armor, item) but in the screenshot with the issue, the armor ends up rendering before the glow layer, causing the glow layer to overlay on top of the armor....
Lag whenever I open any form of GUI when i have shaders enabled
It runs fine when Im playing normally. But when I open my inventory or chest, I drop to like 5 fps. Interestingly, the F3 menu doesn't reflect that frame drop.
WHEN forge, an very old question
I see iris as an amazing tool for shaders, but, come on, forge would be dope, and 1.20.1? Epic
Sun shines through DH LOD's with shaders.
What could be the root cause of this? Using Bliss shader. I'm assuming this is happening due to light rays not taking into account LOD's that are facing away from you, for optimization; normally blocks or textures of geometry are not rendered when you cant see them. So this is causing the light to be calculated through the LOD's / Block faces that are invisible/without textures. and the sun shafts just go straight through. So is this something that shader devs can fix?
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Cant load my shaders
Mixin transformation of net.irisshaders.iris.pipeline.programs.SodiumShader failed
Here is the report log...
Connected textures missing shaders
Connected textures don't have the shaders applied.
Im using LBPR Reload, all shaders i've tried have this...
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Minecraft - 1.21.4 - Reference maps are unable to be read
Hello, I'm working on making a small modpack for myself and trying to have as few warning / errors as possible, are these warnings something to be concerned with?
as far as I know those warnings are not important and don't indicate a major problem. Warnings can usually be ignored unless you experience issues
GLFW error 65543
Getting this error with only iris and sodium. Just sodium works fine
iris 1.8.5, sodium 0.6.6 - 1.21.4
AMD 7900xtx driver:
It all worked fine yesterday tho...
Had to turn off the no error context in the Sodium config file. Then it works with debug options on AMD...
Crashing when joining servers
I installed iris but everytime i join a singleplayer world or server it crashes my game, with the only way to not crash is by removing iris from my mods folder, is there any way to fix this?
(Mod) Is it possible to prevent shaderpack affecting OpenGL graphics?
I hope it's okay to post this here since it is related to Iris shaders in some way and question is more for developers or maintainers
(edit: also asked in
I'm developing a mod which draws some opengl graphics but let's just take these arrow trails for example. I noticed that certain shaders influence the opengl triangles and quads, some make them glow, some lose transparency, some don't render them at all, all sorts of weirdnesses. From a mod's perspective, is it possible to disable currently enabled shader to affect my custom shapes?...
crashing on world generation (1.21.1, neoforge)
hi! ive been trying to run iris + sodium with neoforge except when the world finishes generating my game crashes. the world generates fine when i only have sodium without iris but adding it crashes the game with the error message "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.MixinTransformerError: An unexpected critical error was encountered". added the mod compatibility tag because i know it might be an issue with that but im not sure... -_-
update iris
Iris broke the PBR for SEUS GFME (Solved)
When I enabled texture packs with PBR in SEUS GFME this happened (screenshots below) and I guess this is again an Iris bug in SEUS GFME support.
Minecraft 1.21.4
Fabric Loader 0.16.9...
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Floating chests
For some reason, when shaders are enabled, chests float around when they should be in the hand. A video may be sent soon if I can get it under 10mb
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iris crashes with sildurs basic shaders
idk why but sildurs basic shaders crash the game every time i try to load them i've tried several other versions of iris and it still crashes
and yes my shaders are the newest version...
armour reflections no longer work not sure why, also emissive entity no longer works.
my reflective armour worked fine till i updated to 1.21.4 now they dont
game crash on world load 1.21.1
I've tried using different mod loaders, launchers etc just whatever I do as soon as I try to load into a world my game crashes
Clouds dissapear when applying shaders
One picture with shaders and better clouds (iris support enabled) and the other with shader and better clouds (iris support disabled)
also shader is on vanilla, altough it i turned to volumetric clouds the same phenomenon happens (also on other shaders)
this hasn't happened before and quite new and i tried to fix it but cant....
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Pale Oak Boat Visual Glitch
Water appears on the floor of pale oak boats with shaders enabled. I'm using complementary unbound 5.3
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