Cloudflare Developers


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Access to CF on Pages using Next.js

Does anyone know how to access the cf object in the headers when using next.js on CF? I'm trying to access botManagement and it's not set on the, nor it it part of the headers....

guys do cloudflare support dynamic page

guys do cloudflare support dynamic page like "app/profile/[id]"? Here is the code for that dynamic page's page.tsx ``` export const runtime = 'edge'; ...

**Need help using KV with next-on-pages

Need help using KV with next-on-pages I've spend several hours trying to access KV in dev environment in my Next.js Project using next-on-pages. Setup:...

Has anyone used @vercel/og with next-on-

Has anyone used @vercel/og with next-on-pages? I'm trying to use its functionality but every time I add it, the function size blows up and it throws an error during deployment. (Left side is with @vercel/og, right side without)....
No description

Hey, I'm having some issues with trying

Hey, I'm having some issues with trying to have some static and some edge-rendered routes, next-on-pages will crash the build if I don't have an runtime = "edge" in every route I create for whatever reason

thanks so much, please mention me in the

thanks so much, please mention me in the message so I'll get notified and don't risk missing it 🙂 🙏

I mean, that's pretty unusual, so

I mean, that's pretty unusual, so without a reproduction it would be hard to tell why. There is documentation in the next-on-pages repo that has an example of a very basic API route

FIXED: monologue about a chunk not found errors

I'm getting chunk not found error's on some pages in the production environment specifically with custom domains.

Hi team I m getting a

Hi team! I'm getting a Failed: build exceeded memory limit and was terminated I have been moving some pages and components to work on the app dir instead on the pages dir. All our previous builds were running ok....


Has anyone encounter the issue before Am developing a project with Next + sanity after deployment i discovered that the all page slug is showing 404 pages , so i build on CLI and see that the page slug is not build Am also all my images are not showing expect the bg image...

Ah I d seen that but thought it was only

Ah I'd seen that but thought it was only related to the not-found file, they must have changed something in 13.5 because I can't see any way to build a project successfully now, with or without an error.tsx file that error happens.