using just `next dev` not that i know of

using just next dev not that i know of but may be possible, im a huge donkey so hope im not leading you down the wrong direction, even now im wondering if i actually did create the KV in wrangler, or if it didn't just automatically do that, you probably already saw this but the internal github doc:
that says it generates from miniflare, so i feel like you may not need it locally, but can't remember how i set it up last time hehe
54 Replies
wesbos14mo ago
hah yeah thats where i am right now. How do crate create a local KV store?
DonnagerOP14mo ago
i installed wrangler locally then:
npm run wrangler kv:namespace create
npm run wrangler kv:namespace create
wesbos14mo ago
I did that - both with and without --preview then i assigned one of them to a namespace in pages dashboard now I bet I have the next.config.js wrong
DonnagerOP14mo ago
next dev:
const { setupDevBindings } = require("@cloudflare/next-on-pages/next-dev");
bindings: {
type: "r2",
bucketName: "bucket",
type: "kv",
const { setupDevBindings } = require("@cloudflare/next-on-pages/next-dev");
bindings: {
type: "r2",
bucketName: "bucket",
type: "kv",
server component:
const kv = getKv();
const pageViews = (await kv.get("page_view")) ?? 0;
const formattedPageViews =
typeof pageViews === "number" ? pageViews : Number(pageViews);
const kv = getKv();
const pageViews = (await kv.get("page_view")) ?? 0;
const formattedPageViews =
typeof pageViews === "number" ? pageViews : Number(pageViews);
edit: getkv
export const getKv = () => {
return process.env.CLOUDFLARE_KV as unknown as KVNamespace;
export const getKv = () => {
return process.env.CLOUDFLARE_KV as unknown as KVNamespace;
it reads for me using this, hmm only difference i see is you did import instead of require, but not sure why that would impact anything i think you will need to set up dashboard when you deploy, but not necessary for local, i also think wrangler defaults to local, hmmm
wesbos14mo ago
is CLOUDFLARE_KV the name of your binding? Or the KV store? I thought the KV store ID would go in the ID field? lol Also, Preview isn't local dev, is it?
DonnagerOP14mo ago
not sure on the first question im a donkey sir, i believe preview is a separate deployment like staging i hate to @Better James , because its not his job to be in the discords, but he would know all the answers here, he is on EU time i believe, but maybe he will see it lol oh okay yeah hmm, what version of next-on-pages are you on? i just reset the binding to a new ID and it worked out of box, so i dont think we need wrangler very sorry to lead you down wrong path
James14mo ago
No description
James14mo ago
The name of the object is what you would use to access it, e.g. process.env.MY_KV_BINDING_VAR You don't need to create a kv namespace to run it. It should be created automatically if it doesn't exist.
DonnagerOP14mo ago
thank you so much for responding! okay yeah, totally makes sense, so curiously in his original post he said process.env.TESTKV was undefined, but he set up
type: "kv",
id: "TESTKV",
type: "kv",
id: "TESTKV",
what would be a likely cause then? hmm i am baffled
wesbos14mo ago
OKay, so it should just create a local KV store?
James14mo ago
My assumption would be next-on-pages version being old - his code snippet worked fine when I tried it Yeah
wesbos14mo ago
this should be available at process.env.TESTKV then?
No description
James14mo ago
wesbos14mo ago
Still undefined
James14mo ago
Just going to ask it for the sake of asking it even thought the answer is probably yes, but you do have the latest next-on-pages as a dependency right?
wesbos14mo ago
I used the npx script, but let me check! "@cloudflare/next-on-pages": "^1.8.5", looks like it
James14mo ago
wesbos14mo ago
i pretty much npx'd this thing and tried a KV I can put it on github if that is easier
James14mo ago
if it's not too much trouble
DonnagerOP14mo ago
hmm super baffling, can't wait to see it!
wesbos14mo ago
GitHub - wesbos/next-on-pages-plz
Contribute to wesbos/next-on-pages-plz development by creating an account on GitHub.
James14mo ago
Please can you opt the page that you're using the binding in to use the edge runtime
wesbos14mo ago
yep how do i do that haha
James14mo ago
export const runtime = 'edge';
export const runtime = 'edge';
wesbos14mo ago
thanks, sorry was looking in the dashboard
James14mo ago
Also, KV.put is async so probably best to await it
wesbos14mo ago
ah okay, was just seeing if the method was there there it is OK, so I need to opt into the edge runtime for every page?
DonnagerOP14mo ago
wowwww okay, did not know the runtime was required in local, it all makes sense now!!
James14mo ago
If you have server functionality on a route, it should be opted into the edge runtime
DonnagerOP14mo ago
if you are going to access cloudflare bindings in local yes, also if you deploy its all edge i believe thank you for the help sir!
wesbos14mo ago
OK, but cloudflare is nothin-but-edge, right? I guess next dev doesnt know about that though
James14mo ago
Yeah if you want server functionality on Pages it will need to be edge. You can still let routes that don't need server functionality be prerendered/SSG'd at build time (which Next.js tries to do by default), and we'll just serve the html/rsc files when a request comes in, but if a route needs server functionality, it'll need to be the edge runtime since it'll be running in workerd
wesbos14mo ago
ahhh gotcha Thanks a million
James14mo ago
So when you deploy a route to Vercel that uses the edge runtime, that'll get sent to cloudflare, since the edge runtime (Vercel's project) is basically just a wrapper essentially to add some extra compat to workers for Vercel's deployments. That's a very simple way of thinking about it anyway
wesbos14mo ago
that makes sense @Better James sorry one more Q - is it possible to use a remote KV locally instead of the local one?
James14mo ago
Afraid not. Pages dev with wrangler doesn't support remote mode so you're already limited in that aspect, but we're actually using miniflare to deal with all this which does it locally in workerd
wesbos14mo ago
gotcha, not a biggie for my project. I'm actually going to be using D1 and I just need to dump my local DB into th remote thanks again - stoked that this works so easily
James14mo ago
No worries, have fun 🙂
Bram14mo ago
little tip, in NextJS you could set the runtime on the root layout.tsx and it will use the same runtime for all the child pages as well
James14mo ago
I would generally advise against that unless every single route will have server functionality. It's preferable to let routes be prerendered unless they absolutely need SSR
wesbos14mo ago
Might be handy within a sub-route but yeah I agree Next is very aggressive on caching so they like you having to opt out
Bram14mo ago
yea true, might need to be careful Next has like 3 different caching mechanisms right? That are all on by default 😵‍💫
wesbos14mo ago
Is it not possible to use cloudflare bindings inside a pre-rendered page then?
James14mo ago
No, you won't be able to access it at build time
Bram14mo ago
just to be sure, if you set revalidate it will just be SSR with caching right?
wesbos14mo ago
So better to use set swr headers Oh yah
Bram14mo ago
I think pulling in dynamic data on build time is not very common though?
wesbos14mo ago
My entire website does that and I regret it. Very slow build haha
James14mo ago
the export const revalidate = true only works on non-edge routes IIRC. You can set fetch(..., { next: { revalidate: ... } }) on edge routes to cache fetch requests for x amount of time, which is a new form of ISR in app dir land
Bram14mo ago
yea, was talking about the latter err meant to reply to james ; p thanks for the info guys! one last question (couldn't find it in the docs so guess not) I am playing around with sveltekit (and liking the svelte 5 changes so far : D), is there something similar to next-dev for local binding? Or am I better off using cf-bindings-proxy for now?
James14mo ago
Well, as much as i enjoy plugging my own lib, this poc by jculvey is probably better for svelte
Bram14mo ago
Ah nice, it calls directly into miniflare, kinda similar to what next-dev does? I would still use your library if it would let me spin up two proxies (one with --remote and one with --local (I have a use case where I want to develop against a remote D2, but rest local) And with a bit of config on the pages side of things, it would know to which proxy it should forward the request to
40314mo ago
Hi everyone! I came here for the same issue after reading the documentation a couple of times. Maybe adding export const runtime = 'edge'; to the documentation would help few people?
James14mo ago
It's in the github readme but i'll ping dario about adding it to the official docs page 👍🏻

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