Access to CF on Pages using Next.js

Does anyone know how to access the cf object in the headers when using next.js on CF? I'm trying to access botManagement and it's not set on the, nor it it part of the headers.
8 Replies
manishrcOP16mo ago
I can see it in the logs, but dont' have access to it within the route handler.
No description
James16mo ago
Next.js would strip it off of the request object before your api route or middleware can access it I believe. We're currently looking at ways to expose the object to users.
manishrcOP16mo ago
Got it, thank you.
atgctg15mo ago
(commenting to get notified on any future updates on this)
gui.ohm14mo ago
I was poking around the request object and found those headers are passed through. Some of these can act as a subset of the cf object. Are these reliable / future proof ? @Better James
['accept', 'accept-encoding', 'accept-language', 'cf-connecting-ip', 'cf-ipcountry', 'cf-ray', 'cf-visitor', 'connection', 'host', 'origin', 'referer', 'sec-ch-ua', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile', 'sec-ch-ua-platform', 'sec-fetch-dest', 'sec-fetch-mode', 'sec-fetch-site', 'user-agent', 'x-forwarded-proto', 'x-real-ip', 'x-vercel-ip-city', 'x-vercel-ip-country', 'x-vercel-ip-country-region', 'x-vercel-ip-latitude', 'x-vercel-ip-longitude', 'x-vercel-sc-host']
['accept', 'accept-encoding', 'accept-language', 'cf-connecting-ip', 'cf-ipcountry', 'cf-ray', 'cf-visitor', 'connection', 'host', 'origin', 'referer', 'sec-ch-ua', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile', 'sec-ch-ua-platform', 'sec-fetch-dest', 'sec-fetch-mode', 'sec-fetch-site', 'user-agent', 'x-forwarded-proto', 'x-real-ip', 'x-vercel-ip-city', 'x-vercel-ip-country', 'x-vercel-ip-country-region', 'x-vercel-ip-latitude', 'x-vercel-ip-longitude', 'x-vercel-sc-host']
James14mo ago
we set the x-vercel values based on the properties so that they match the same behaviour as a deployment to vercel
gui.ohm14mo ago
For the redundant fields do we favor cf- or x-vercel . For instance cf-ipcountry and x-vercel-ip-country are the same. Is this documented?
James14mo ago
Whichever you prefer, but we will always populate the x-vercel ones with the data, so it's up to you which you want to use

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