Cloudflare Developers


Cloudflare Developers

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Increased limit on the number of pages for projects

I noticed that each CF account can currently create only 100 pages projects. I would like to increase this limit, but is there an additional charge for existing paid tiers? For example, would I need to subscribe to Pro for 1000 projects or Business for 5000 projects, etc.?

Turborepo with GitHub integration

* Site: * AccountId: d3d0378e716fdb8eec266de86fa0e960 * Deployment ID: 81ac55f7-c5c8-4627-b9a4-d5b741c37ee6 I am trying to deploy a Turborepo package (Next.js) with a GitHub integration. When I do a local deploy npx @cloudflare/next-on-pages everything works fine, when I do by GitHub integration it fails saying In a non-interactive environment, it's necessary to set a CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN environment variable for wrangler to work....


need help please I can't pay a domain on cloudflare I have try with PayPal and visa if someone can help me will be great thanks in advance...

SSL problems with my site (on HttpClients)

My site: (content from pages) Account id: 744868c4248d80519f136af5bd35a044 Error: Generally there is just an SSL error when using HttpClients to access my sites endpoints. However, these errors do not happen in the browser. (This error doesn't happen for me, but for a large portion of my users) From cURL, the error is as follows: curl: (35) schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN (0x80090308) - The token supplied to the function is invalid...

'Invalid redirect URL' for Cloudflare Access on custom domain

Hello, I've been struggling using cloudflare access behind a custom domain (cname to pages subdomain), similar to What I am doing is checking if a user is logged in: ``` import { getIdentity } from "@cloudflare/pages-plugin-cloudflare-access/api";...

Configuring a monorepo

So i am looking to configure a monorepo for Cloudflare Pages, i have a Nextjs app under /apps/web which will need @cloudflare/next-on-pages to build. However i can't figure out how to get it all working. My repo:

Custom "Token Vault" Strategy Help

I'm creating an API for a project of mine, but I think I need a more efficient auth system. There are certain routes in my functions directory that require an API token to use, but I'm storing these tokens in a text array in the Pages environmental variables. Is there a way I can do this at a more top-level system?...

Ray ID: 8c021b62afb03b6f

CloudFlare doesn't recogzine me as a human and I can't get into soem of my websites. I use a VPN. Any solutions???

ENV variables with wrangler pages CLI (VITE REACT)

How do I add env variables to a deployment of a pages application? I am writing a github action that is suppossed to deploy my pages application, and I am trying to grap some secrets from the repo, and add them as env variables for the pages. I have tried this: ```yaml - name: Deploy to Cloudflare Pages working-directory: ./apps/frontend...

Documentation on using wrangler.toml to configure a Pages project (not workers/functions)

According to this article, it should be possible to use a wrangler.toml to configure a Pages project: So I ran pnpm dlx wrangler@latest pages download config <my-project-name> But the downloaded wrangler.toml is missing fields for things like my build command or the project root directory, and I cannot find any documentation on Cloudflare about this....
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404.html Files in Subdirectories Not Used

I have a multilingual Hugo website on Cloudflare Pages. I have a 404.html file at the root and a localized version under each lang subdirectory (ie. /en/404.html, /de/404.html and so forth). The documentation says:
Pages will then attempt to find the closest 404 page. If one is not found in the same directory as the route you are currently requesting, it will continue to look up the directory tree for a matching 404.html file, ending in /404.html.
This implies that if the URL is something like, it should use the 404.html under the /de/ directory. However, it looks like the 404.html at the root is always used....

This repository is being used for a Cloudflare Pages project on a different Cloudflare account

We are using Pages for other sites already, but this one repo we have acts up and says its already on another account. However we cannot find any other pages project linked to this repo, and neither does it display a ci status for it on github. Cloudflare has access to all repos in the org via the cloudflare pages app. Not sure who to proceed here....
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Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Error 8000057: Rule (%s) in `routes.json` is over

Hello, I would like to deploy my website under Nuxt 3 under Cloudflare pages with yarn run build, but I've got this error
Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Error 8000057: Rule (%s) in `routes.json` is over the 100 character limit. Refer to
Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Error 8000057: Rule (%s) in `routes.json` is over the 100 character limit. Refer to

Automatically applying D1 migrations when deploying pages

I've found a few topics on this, but they've sadly gone unanswered. What is the expected route for applying migrations to a bound D1 database when deploying? I'd sort of expected this to 'just work' via the built in git integration (since almost everything else does) and my config is vanilla, but that doesn't seem to be the case. It looks I need to create a CI/CD flow, avoiding the use of the built in git connection entirely and applying there. Though I can't see any docs pointing in that direction....

Send email

Can I send emails from Cloudflare functions? These would just be update emails to the admin / myself, so not an issue if they land in spam.

Connection timed out Error code 522

Hello, I have created a pages and completed all steps through the SaaS function. Everything is as shown in the tutorial effect, including fallback origin and Custom Hostnames. However, when opening and, it shows: Connection timed out Error code 522. can be used normally. What should I do?
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how can I unrestricted the pages and applications I restricted

Very degraded performance on any of my pages website

Any of my pages projects have very degraded load times, TTFB up to 10secs or just straight up not loading

I can't for the life of me get a svelte project to call a function.

I've tried putting the function code in routes/hello.js and routes/hello.server.js According to the docs: ...