


Nuxt Community Chat Server


Input background color does not work

For testing purposes, I want my input fields to be red. I created an app.config.ts: ```ts console.log("app.config.ts"); export default defineAppConfig({...
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Remove stack from createError()

How to remove stack from the return createError() function?

nuxt js dev server starts up very slowly

my nuxt js project start ups very slowly I am starting it with yarn dev command

How to make Multiple Transition

How to use a multiple transition inside the transition, for example this is my code. Is this the correct way to use multiple transition?

preflight with 204 no content

Hello everyone. Due to unfortunate downsizing, I must handle the project with 2 Vue clients. I have never done any client development before, but one seems to use Nuxt 2 (A), and the other uses Vite(B). They are used in mixed ways. However, (A) mostly serves users who are not signed in, and (B) serves users who are signed in with the app.domain. The production service is working fine, but I am trying to restore the dev server. Fortunately, as the codebase is structured with dockers, I at least succeeded in making them run. However, I am having a hard time calling backend APIs from the client apps. ...

How to get a rich text editor in Nuxt Content/Nuxt Studio

I'm not interested in markdown, instead I'd like a rich text HTML editor as you'd find in a regular CMS's. Is this possible? What about a Vue component that wraps a an editor? Is that what I should be doing?...

Moving `content` directory under `src/`

Hi, total newbie to the Nuxt ecosystem. I am trying out the default project template, and am struggling to find a way to effectively move the content folder under src/. I thought that setting the srcDir property would be enough, but it seems that content is unaffected by that. Is this achievable or not as of Nuxt 3?...
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refresh page after back to tap on mobile

Hello, l created a login by metamask using all connectors and logic are in modal which is inside app.vue l have problem with the following case: When I choose MetaMask, the SDK redirects me to the MetaMask app to connect the wallet. However, after manually returning to the page, the app refreshes, and the modal closes. any idea why?...

Best Practices for SSG in Nuxt 2 with External Router Structure?

Good day, beautiful fellow developers! I hope you're all having an amazing day! I'm currently working on a Nuxt 2 project that combines local pages with a router structure fetched from an external API, which is then used with the nuxt-community/router-module. Our site works both in SSR for development and SSG for production. ...

Build failing with typescript error in [email protected]

My "nuxt buid" is failing with this error: transforming (31) nodemodules.pnpm\[email protected]@parcel+watcher_affb1ef70870c18232d7085a01aeb44d\node_modules\nuxt\dist\app\components\nuxt-root.vueerror TS5042: Option 'project' cannot be mixed with source files on a command line. Setting the typescript typecheck property to false make the build pass in nuxt.config.ts but obviously tha't's not something I want....

Testing a Nuxt application with different profiles

Hello community! I’m new to Nuxt, and I’m currently trying to create a good testing approach for a project I’m working on. I’m using Nuxt (currently 3.11.2), Vitest (3.0.2), @vue/test-utils (2.4.6) and @nuxt/test-utils (3.15.4)....

How can I access the Request object in a Server API route?

I need to access the request of type Request in a server API route. I thought about this; but seems like this is not allowed in a server API route.
const request = useRequestEvent();
const request = useRequestEvent();

Getting weird errors recently when starting Nuxt

Recent change I made was adding "type": "module" to the package.json. Then, I reinstalled all packages with pnpm install Getting these errors: [10:03:01 AM] ERROR Vue app aliases are not allowed in server runtime. [importing #build/app.config.mjs from nodemodules/.pnpm/[email protected]@[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/config.js] ...

Fix postition for <a> and expand the main div downward

Hi all.. I don't know what I don't see but I'm trying to fix the <a> position and show the menu under it in the main div without moving the whole main div tryin to get the border around everything to be sure that it is one menu ```html <template> <div...
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Cloudflare pages 404?

im in nuxt an i deploy with cloudflare pages. When i visit the site a 404 show up and i have to click 'go home' that uses router link to '/' to see the actual page. This is very odd because when i visit the same path '' or '' the error 404. Despite this when i click 'go home' (set to go to the route '/' ) it shows the page. Doesnt make any sense

read stream from event twice

I'm trying to find a way to read a stream (from an h3 event ) twice. Once to chez its size and once to actually use it. I tried this: but .values doesn't exist on req ```...

nuxt-umami module not found during typecheck despite being installed

I'm running into an issue with nuxt-umami in my project. When running pnpm lint (which runs nuxt typecheck && eslint .), I'm getting this error: ERROR: Could not load nuxt-umami. Is it installed? However, nuxt-umami is definitely installed in my package.json:...

Nitro useStorage use Brotli encoded json data

I have a Nuxt server route that should deliver a 400kb Brotli encoded JSON object. The json file is delivered over a custom server api route, because I need to set some custom headers for cache management with etags and set the correct content-type header. How do I read the file correctly and make it fetchable by the user? This is my current code: ...

How to intercept/log server side errors?

Hey, I am trying to send notifications to the dev team server whenever there's an unexpected error on the backend (500 errors) but i am not sure how.

Use SASS function globally

I am currently building a module and I want to use a function that I can use globally in any compoent of my Nuxt Module. In my module.ts I currently have this: ```ts const runtimeDir = resolve('./runtime')...