Sagar Kapoor
nuxt-umami module not found during typecheck despite being installed
I'm running into an issue with nuxt-umami in my project. When running
pnpm lint
(which runs nuxt typecheck && eslint .
), I'm getting this error:
ERROR: Could not load nuxt-umami. Is it installed?
However, nuxt-umami is definitely installed in my package.json:
My nuxt.config.ts has the proper configuration:
Any ideas what might be causing this? The module works fine during development, it's just the typecheck that's failing.
Nuxt 3.15.4
nuxt-umami 3.1.1
pnpm5 replies
CSS class nomenclature for components and pages
What's the recommended way to structure root element class names in Nuxt 3 components and pages with SCSS? For example, should ProductCard.vue use .product-card and products.vue use .products-page as their root classes?
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How to password protect a site?
I want to quickly share a project I made with a client. But I want to password protect it so that it cannot be accessed by anyone else.
The site would be up for a very short time so I don't want to mess with Authentication and stuff. I am searching for a very simple solution.
Thanks in advance.
3 replies
Responsive Header Menu
I am working on a responsive menu and this is what I came up with:
The only thing about this menu that is bugging me out is that I am using this piece of code to change the visibility of the menu buttons:
Is this acceptable in this case? is there a workaround?
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Getting error when running ESLint & Prettier"Disallow self-closing on HTML void elements (<img/>)"
I am using ESLint and Prettier in the project and when I try to remove the
and save, it gets restored when I save because of Prettier.
How can I fix this issue? Is there a plugin that i have to install which will make it so that ESLint and Prettier will not interfere with each other?2 replies