Explore posts from serversWe're deploying to Vercel but it appears new deployments do not propagate to clients
We're deploying to Vercel but it appears new deployments do not propagate to clients until they hard reload the page. What might be the cause of this? Is this a Vercel issue or some nuxt config I need to use?
5 replies
How to show hydration mismatch errors causes in production builds?
As per title, how to show hydration mismatch errors causes in production builds? I am running into an issue where i get no hydration errors in dev but as soon as i make a prod build they show up and i need to figure out why.
15 replies
Is it possible to inject (typed) variables on a component by component basis?
I have a form builder use case where a form is comprised of hundreds of steps. each step works on a slice of the form data, so each step should have a typed interface to interact with the bit of state it manages. i could achieve this by calling
etc in every step component, but I am wondering if I can automate this using a nuxt plugin where the plugin effectively writes the above line at the top of the setup script?6 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
•Created by Felix on 6/25/2024 in #workers-help
Access to Cloudflare Images
I am setting up CF Images and it's been pretty rough so far. I got Direct Upload going and now I want to serve the image. It looks like serving the image via a worker and using the
subrequest is the most flexible way to go. However, it is beyond me how I can access the image given the image id from the worker? Am I supposed to pass it a complete variant URL instead? Is there a way to load the source image by it's ID and apply transformations to it instead?5 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
•Created by Felix on 6/24/2024 in #pages-help
Failed to fetch dynamically imported module
Hey I am deploying my Nuxt 3 app with CF Pages but whevener I make a new deployment and the chunk names change the previous chunks are no longer available and it fails with this error (post title.) I am trying to follow this advice: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/issues/26565#issuecomment-2042068523. Any idea where I can configure the
header? I am not sure where to start looking.2 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
•Created by Felix on 6/22/2024 in #pages-help
Is SSR supposed to be supported?
I have a nuxt 3 app and I noticed that in my server middleware
is not set for requests triggered by useAsyncData
. Is that expected? Is there a workaround?3 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
•Created by Felix on 6/22/2024 in #workers-help
What path to pass to fetch to fetch from bound service/worker
Hey, I am trying to figure out what path to pass to the bound worker in my
request. Is there some internal domain name resolution? Usecase is a pages function calling a worker that it has declared in it's wrangler.toml.4 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
•Created by Felix on 6/22/2024 in #pages-help
Password Hashing
Hey! I am porting my app from Vercel to Cloudflare Pages. For auth, I need to run a password hashing algo (Argon2) but from what I understand the CPU time restrictions render this unfeasible. I keep reading about "unbound" workers which might be the answer to this? But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to enable / deploy an unbound worker. Any tips would be great 👍
5 replies
Vite stuck transforming
pnpm nuxt build
gets stuck at the transforming stage after transforming a few files. It just will not progress and the output on the screen does no longer update. I am on nuxt 3.11.2. I have tried setting debug: true
in nuxt.config.ts but while it does print debug logs it prints nothing during the transforming phase so I am flying blind. Any help would be awesome.4 replies
100s of scripts in production output
Hey, I am working on a relatively small project but when I produce the build the html contains tons and tons of js references. The network totals 151 requrests with 2.9mb transfered and the website is just a landing page with a separate dashboard backend which is not referenced from the frontend app. How can i debug this?
4 replies