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Created by Felix on 6/27/2024 in #❓・help
How to keep state in SSR requests?
Hey, I am validating a session token by hitting a DB. I see it is hitting the DB once for every SSR request (e.g. useAsyncData.) How can I avoid the DB hit per SSR request?
44 replies
Created by Felix on 5/31/2024 in #❓・help
Vite stuck transforming
pnpm nuxt build gets stuck at the transforming stage after transforming a few files. It just will not progress and the output on the screen does no longer update. I am on nuxt 3.11.2. I have tried setting debug: true in nuxt.config.ts but while it does print debug logs it prints nothing during the transforming phase so I am flying blind. Any help would be awesome.
4 replies
Created by Felix on 3/29/2024 in #❓・help
100s of scripts in production output
Hey, I am working on a relatively small project but when I produce the build the html contains tons and tons of js references. The network totals 151 requrests with 2.9mb transfered and the website is just a landing page with a separate dashboard backend which is not referenced from the frontend app. How can i debug this?
4 replies