Nuxtβ€’2w ago

How to keep state in SSR requests?

Hey, I am validating a session token by hitting a DB. I see it is hitting the DB once for every SSR request (e.g. useAsyncData.) How can I avoid the DB hit per SSR request?
26 Replies
Felixβ€’2w ago
So I have a 00.auth.ts middleware in server/middleware. It seems this middleware runs for every SSR request. My understanding that since it's server rendered all the state of the original request should be available. But the middleware runs repeatedly and the event object is a new object so I cannot cache state on it either
manniLβ€’7d ago
cache the result in your API endpoint might be the easiest
Felixβ€’7d ago
by what key?
manniLβ€’7d ago
the session token itself? πŸ€”
Felixβ€’7d ago
right i see... just store it in memory somewhere to fake the db lookup? assuming that it will soon get evicted because the lambda dies? what i don't understand is it's just a function call; the context is already on the stack somehwere. is it not possible to somehow access this?
manniLβ€’7d ago
well you can save it e.g. in a kv store in-mem is tricky with serverless
the context is already on the stack somehwere. is it not possible to somehow access this?
No, it is recreated per call πŸ™‚
Felixβ€’7d ago
Oh why is that
manniLβ€’7d ago
Various reasons, e.g. that you don't want cross state pollution πŸ™‚
Felixβ€’7d ago
What is cross state pollution?
manniLβ€’7d ago
state of user a is "accidentally" part of state of user b and with serverless or edge, you can't have a "consistently" shared context anyway (same with any multi instance deployment) you can still use plugins to make sure that each requests has a certain object/class/... available though
Felixβ€’7d ago
But if initial request binds to user a then for that request context how could it ever be user b?
manniLβ€’7d ago
oh wait maybe we are misunderstanding here πŸ™‚ I am talking about multiple initial requests
Felixβ€’7d ago
I really don't get it. So request flies in, route is matched, handler runs, some $fetch calls happen and since we are on the server a FN runs instead of a http req. In that FN all the context should be available no? Right. I'm taking about a single initial request. I made sure no other xhr requests show in the network tab. But event.context is always cleared and I don't know how I can access the initial request context
manniLβ€’7d ago
you could get the event via useRequestEvent()
Felixβ€’7d ago
What I am seeing is that for every $fetch the entire server/Middleware runs again on a fresh event object. Wouldn't getRequestEvent just return that?
manniLβ€’7d ago
no, this is correct. it is treated the same way when doing an "external" request to that endpoint
Felixβ€’7d ago
Which brings me back to why and how
manniLβ€’7d ago
Alexander Lichter
Nuxt vs. Nitro - What does what in your App
🀝🏻 Nuxt and Nitro go hand in hand - but sometimes so well that the borders between both blur for developers. Wouldn't it be helpful to understand why Pinia composables can't be used in the server folder and when exactly Nitro comes into play? Fear no more - all of that and more will be covered in this video! Key points: πŸ‘€ When Nitro is used in ...
manniLβ€’7d ago
think of nitro as standalone api server which also renders your nuxt app but these are distinct tasks
Felixβ€’7d ago
Sorry if I come across rude but I don't understand how sth so simple can be made to be so difficult it can't be explained in one sentence . Kind of baffling. I'm surprised I also couldn't find answers on google. I love working with Nuxt overall. This is the first hol'on a minute moment. I'll give the video a watch tonight.
manniLβ€’7d ago
I'm happy to try again. Could you maybe reword the question? When you do calls "on the client side" of your app to an API endpoint, then it is simply not different than when calling them via postman or just putting the URL in the browser (except you might pass headers and similar to them) Commonly you authenticate your user with the session ID, send the ID to the API and your backend will check validity. This is the case for any kind of stateless API
Felixβ€’7d ago
Yup but $fetch short-circuits and runs the code immediately on the server during the initial request. No client involved For SSR pages
manniLβ€’7d ago
that's correct, on the server it does! There, $fetch calls are not actually happening but are emulated because you can just run the event handler's code πŸ‘ But not on the client side, as you said
Felixβ€’6d ago
Yes... So on the server why can't I get access to state established in the initial request object I noticed that when I do a $fetch from my middleware/01.auth.global.ts middleware, the initial event context is retained! That is what I want. But why is this not happening for $fetch requests issued in page components is what I am trying to figure out. I cloned nuxt and will start digging... ok. so idk if this is a bug in nuxt or not. but check this out:
const x = useAsyncData(
() => {
// this will NOT retain context in SSR call:
const fetch = $fetch;

// this retains context in SSR call:
// const fetch = useRequestFetch();

return fetch("/api/user");
immediate: true,
server: true,
watch: false,
const x = useAsyncData(
() => {
// this will NOT retain context in SSR call:
const fetch = $fetch;

// this retains context in SSR call:
// const fetch = useRequestFetch();

return fetch("/api/user");
immediate: true,
server: true,
watch: false,
Felixβ€’6d ago
Felixβ€’6d ago
and filed a bug. we'll see what comes of it.. https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/issues/27909
SSR Context Lost Β· Issue #27909 Β· nuxt/nuxt
Environment Operating System: Darwin Node Version: v21.6.2 Nuxt Version: 3.12.2 CLI Version: 3.12.0 Nitro Version: 2.9.7 Package Manager: pnpm@8.8.0 Builder: - User Config: ssr, devtools Runtime Mo...
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