Created by Phillip on 2/11/2025 in #❓・help
How can I access the Request object in a Server API route?
I need to access the request of type Request in a server API route. I thought about this; but seems like this is not allowed in a server API route.
const request = useRequestEvent();
const request = useRequestEvent();
13 replies
Created by Phillip on 2/11/2025 in #❓・help
Getting weird errors recently when starting Nuxt
Recent change I made was adding "type": "module" to the package.json. Then, I reinstalled all packages with pnpm install Getting these errors: [10:03:01 AM] ERROR Vue app aliases are not allowed in server runtime. [importing #build/app.config.mjs from nodemodules/.pnpm/[email protected]@[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/config.js] [10:03:01 AM] ERROR Vue app aliases are not allowed in server runtime. [importing #build/nuxt.config.mjs from nodemodules/.pnpm/[email protected]@[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/nuxt.js] [10:03:01 AM] ERROR Vue app aliases are not allowed in server runtime. [importing #app from nodemodules/.pnpm/[email protected]@[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/composables/route-announcer.js] [nitro 10:03:02 AM] ERROR Error: Could not load /Users/phillip/yourproject/.nuxt/nuxt.config.mjs (imported by nodemodules/.pnpm/[email protected]@[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/composables/fetch.js): ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/phillip/leadpros-saas/.nuxt/nuxt.config.mjs' ---- Using NodeJS v20.18.3
11 replies
Created by Phillip on 2/6/2025 in #❓・help
Is it intended Nuxt 3 behavior that a watcher gets triggered when changing between tabs?
I have a simple watcher, like so:
watch(user, async (newUserValue) => {
console.log('triggered by switching between tabs')
watch(user, async (newUserValue) => {
console.log('triggered by switching between tabs')
And I noticed it gets triggered every time I switch between tabs (meaning: If I have my web app open on tab A, I click on tab B where I have YouTube open, and I switch back to tab A the watcher runs again). Is this intended behavior? Why is this necessary?
5 replies
Created by Phillip on 2/2/2025 in #❓・help
How to forward logs to a Slack channel?
How can I send specific logs or all logs from a Nuxt 3 application to a Slack channel? Is there an integration for this? I do not want to use a paid tool like Sentry. Not all logs should be forwarded, only: - Errors (console.error) - Logs explicitly marked for Slack, e.g., when investigating an issue, e.g.:
console.log('Result is', result, { sendToSlackLog: true });
console.log('Result is', result, { sendToSlackLog: true });
7 replies
Created by Phillip on 1/27/2025 in #❓・help
Hard reload + useAsyncData = No data – Why?
Why is templatealways null on hard reload but I do have a value when navigating between pages?
constdata: template } = await useAsyncData(`campaignTemplateWithId${supabaseTemplateId}`, async (): Promise<Tables<'campaign_template'>> => {
return await useCampaignTemplate().getTemplateById(supabaseTemplateId)
}, { transform: async (t): Promise<ICampaignDetailsForm> => {
console.log('This works, I have data here', t)
return {
primary_text: t.primary_text!,
heading: t.heading!,
description: t.description!,
page_id: useUserStore().company!.active_facebook_page_id!.toString(),
supabase_template_images: await useUtils().getSupabaseStorageFullPaths(t.images!, 'campaign_template'),
type: t.type
} })

watch(template, (newTemplate) => {
console.log('This is logged once with value null', newTemplate)
}, { immediate: true, deep: true })
constdata: template } = await useAsyncData(`campaignTemplateWithId${supabaseTemplateId}`, async (): Promise<Tables<'campaign_template'>> => {
return await useCampaignTemplate().getTemplateById(supabaseTemplateId)
}, { transform: async (t): Promise<ICampaignDetailsForm> => {
console.log('This works, I have data here', t)
return {
primary_text: t.primary_text!,
heading: t.heading!,
description: t.description!,
page_id: useUserStore().company!.active_facebook_page_id!.toString(),
supabase_template_images: await useUtils().getSupabaseStorageFullPaths(t.images!, 'campaign_template'),
type: t.type
} })

watch(template, (newTemplate) => {
console.log('This is logged once with value null', newTemplate)
}, { immediate: true, deep: true })
5 replies
Created by Phillip on 12/28/2024 in #❓・help
How to force a reload for all users?
Following scenario: The admin in my app can edit text snippets which are also cached in my app. When the admin edits the text snippets it also clears the cache. When the user reloads the page with CMD + R, the cache is being cleared and the updated text snippets are shown. However, if the user navigates through the app this wont clear the cache/show the updated text snippets. I often see notifcations in apps like "There is a new version available. Click here to update the app" which bascially just reloads the app. How can I do the same in Nuxt? And how can I do that without the user having to click a button?
5 replies
Created by Phillip on 12/7/2024 in #❓・help
How can I implement an inline script on page?
Something like <script>console.log('hello world')</script> I need to implement the inline script that way because it's a third-party script
7 replies
Created by Phillip on 11/19/2024 in #❓・help
Is the Pinia store being cached by default?
My users are sometimes experiencing odd behavior after I've pushed to my production environment. I couldn't reproduce their issues but it only happens when I change the Pinia store schema. So I assume Nuxt 3 + Pinia cache the state values somehow. To better understand this, I'm wondering: 1. If this is actually the case by default? 2. If this is the case, where is this data saved? Local storage? Cookies? I'm thinking about saving a hash value in my store and then comparing it after making a deployment. If it doesn't match, I want to reset the store/clear the cache. But in order to do so, I need to better understand if/how Pinia caches... Thank you very much
5 replies
Created by Phillip on 11/4/2024 in #❓・help
`getCachedData`: data is always undefined
In my app.vue I'm getting user data from supabase. I want to cache the values so I don't have to do it on every cache load. I followed this YouTube tutorial by @manniL But for some reason this line of code always returns undefined, causing my code to refetch and not using any cache. Why is that?:
const data =[key] ||[key]
console.log('data', data) // always returns undefined
const data =[key] ||[key]
console.log('data', data) // always returns undefined
Here is my full code:
constdata: userDataAsync } = await useAsyncData('userStoreData', async () => {
if (user.value && !isAdmin) {
const userData = await userStore.fetchInitialData()
console.log('userdata in useasyncdata', userData)
return userData
watch: [user],
getCachedData(key) {
console.log('key', key)
const data =[key] ||[key]
console.log('data', data)

// refetch
if (!data) return

const expirationDate = new Date(data.fetchedAt)
expirationDate.setTime(expirationDate.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const isExpired = expirationDate.getTime() <

// refetch
if (isExpired) return

return data

if (userDataAsync.value) {
constdata: userDataAsync } = await useAsyncData('userStoreData', async () => {
if (user.value && !isAdmin) {
const userData = await userStore.fetchInitialData()
console.log('userdata in useasyncdata', userData)
return userData
watch: [user],
getCachedData(key) {
console.log('key', key)
const data =[key] ||[key]
console.log('data', data)

// refetch
if (!data) return

const expirationDate = new Date(data.fetchedAt)
expirationDate.setTime(expirationDate.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const isExpired = expirationDate.getTime() <

// refetch
if (isExpired) return

return data

if (userDataAsync.value) {
Using Nuxt 3.12.2 Any advice is highly appreciated 🙏
7 replies
Created by Phillip on 10/10/2024 in #❓・help
Do Cronjobs / Webhooks have an H3 Event?
Hi, I have cronjobs and webhooks who perform regular tasks. As far as I understand a H3 event is passed by a user who makes an API call for example. Cronjobs do not contain a H3 Event right? Because some utilities require to pass an event. For example, the i18n module needs an event on the server side. await useTranslation(event) If I would do something like:
export default defineCronHandler('everyFiveMinutes', async () => {
const t = await useTranslation(useEvent())
export default defineCronHandler('everyFiveMinutes', async () => {
const t = await useTranslation(useEvent())
This would not work?
1 replies
Created by Phillip on 7/20/2024 in #❓・help
Nested routes: Showing parent page only in campaigns/choose-type.vue, but not other routes?
This question is a bit tricky but I try my best to explain it properly. I have a file structure like this: campaigns.vue -- choose-type.vue -- create.vue -- edit -- detail -- [campaignId].vue pages/campaigns.vue: shows overview of campaigns pages/campaigns/choose-type.vue: shows a modal. I want to have the pages/campaigns.vue in the background. I have already accomplished that with the file structure and adding <NuxtPage /> to pages/campaigns.vue However, other routes such as pages/campaigns/create.vue also show the pages/campaigns.vue (campaign table) which I don't want. I have tried something like <NuxtPage v-if=" === 'portal-campaigns-choose-type" /> but that didn't work. Is there a way to accomplish that? I have already read the docs regarding nested pages. Help is very appreciated
1 replies
Created by Phillip on 7/20/2024 in #❓・help
"Cannot find module or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)"
Hey there, I'm having trouble importing my types and constants with the @ directive. It used to work like this:
import { ICampaign, ICampaignApiData, IFacebookUpdateResponse, TCampaignStatus } from '@/types/facebook';
import { ICampaign, ICampaignApiData, IFacebookUpdateResponse, TCampaignStatus } from '@/types/facebook';
But now I'm getting "Cannot find module '@/constants/routes' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)" When I try to access the files without @ it works. Why is that?
2 replies
Created by Phillip on 7/11/2024 in #❓・help
How to use DefinitelyTyped types in a Nuxt 3 project?
I've been trying to use DefinitelyTyped types in my project multiple times but just cannot get it working. Is there an additional step that I need to do? 1. installed types for Google Maps with npm i @types/google.maps ( 2. in my script setup I try to import an interface like this:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { GeocoderResult } from '@types/google.maps'
<script setup lang="ts">
import { GeocoderResult } from '@types/google.maps'
A index.d.ts is present in @types/google.maps but I'm getting 'GeocoderResult' is declared but its value is never read.ts(6133) Cannot import type declaration files. Consider importing 'google.maps' instead of '@types/google.maps'.ts(6137) Do I need to add something else to my tsconfig? Edit: Okay I just read it's not possible to import index.d.ts file as it seems... but how am I supposed to use the interface in @types/google.maps?
3 replies
Created by Phillip on 6/30/2024 in #❓・help
appMiddleware for API routes?
When an API under /api/admin is being called I want to run my middleware under /server/middleware/admin.ts I thought I could add a route rule to the nuxt.config.ts like this:
routeRules: {
'/api/admin/**': { appMiddleware: 'admin' }
routeRules: {
'/api/admin/**': { appMiddleware: 'admin' }
But still, the middleware runs on every request which is also mentioned in the docs ( But I was wondering if something like this '/api/admin/**': { appMiddleware: 'admin' } is possible? Otherwise I would need to do something like if (requestUrl.includes('/api/admin')) right?
1 replies
Created by Phillip on 6/28/2024 in #❓・help
appMiddleware in routeRules not working?
I want to run a middleware when my API in /server/api/admin/ is being called but it doesn't run the middleware at all. Nuxt 3.12.2 nuxt.config.ts
routeRules: {
"/portal": { redirect: START_PAGE_AFTER_LOGIN },
'/portal/**': { ssr: false },
'/server/api/admin/**': { appMiddleware: 'mytest' }
routeRules: {
"/portal": { redirect: START_PAGE_AFTER_LOGIN },
'/portal/**': { ssr: false },
'/server/api/admin/**': { appMiddleware: 'mytest' }
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async (to, _from) => {
console.log('getting in middleware') // <-- the issue: this is never being called
return false
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async (to, _from) => {
console.log('getting in middleware') // <-- the issue: this is never being called
return false
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
console.log('getting in API') // <-- getting called
return { success: true }
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
console.log('getting in API') // <-- getting called
return { success: true }
Then, I access the API via Postman. Method: Post. URL: http://localhost:3000/api/admin/text-snippet The response is { success: true } What am I missing or is this a bug?
7 replies
Created by Phillip on 6/16/2024 in #❓・help
Private server routes
Hello guys, how can i flag my nuxt 3 api routes as private meaning they can only be accessed from the server itself and is not viewable by the user? Since every API file I put inside /server/api, but also /server/, will be accessible by other users. How can I prevent this?
6 replies
Created by Phillip on 3/27/2024 in #❓・help
Is there a way to prefetch the next page which has content that is being injected by javascript?
I have a page /welcome/payment-method where I load a Stripe UI payment element. Stripe has a function paymentElement.mount('#payment-element'), so basically, it looks for a DOM element with the id #payment-element. However, injecting the Stripe script and mounting the element takes time. I would like to show the form immediately. Is there way I can load the stripe script + mount the div#payment-element before the user visits the page /welcome/payment-method? Can I prepare this while the user is on page /welcome/intro or something? I hope my question is clear. I'm happy to explain further. Thank you!
2 replies
Created by Phillip on 3/27/2024 in #❓・help
How to access the event in a server/utils function?
I've created a server utility function in /server/utils/get-facebook-account.ts which looks like this
import { serverSupabaseClient } from '#supabase/server'

export const getFacebookAccount = async () => {
// const event = // how to get event
const supabase = await serverSupabaseClient<Database>(event)

const account = supabase.from()... // do stuff to get account;

return account;
import { serverSupabaseClient } from '#supabase/server'

export const getFacebookAccount = async () => {
// const event = // how to get event
const supabase = await serverSupabaseClient<Database>(event)

const account = supabase.from()... // do stuff to get account;

return account;
I'm using Supabase so for the serverSupabaseClient I need the event. Now I'm wondering, do I always need to pass the event to my utility function like this? /server/api/
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
await getFacebookAccount(event)
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
await getFacebookAccount(event)
Because I've read there is a useRequestEvent composable but it's only available in the Nuxt context. Is there something similar for /server functions? Thanks!
3 replies
Created by Phillip on 3/2/2024 in #❓・help
await useAsyncData in setup doesn't block navigation
I want to wait until navigating to the next page until the store data has been fetched and set. I'm using Nuxt 3 + Supabase + Pinia My approach in provider.vue (where user gets redirected after signing in/up to set cookies etc.)
// redirect once user has been set
const user = useSupabaseUser()
watch(user, async () => {
if (user.value) {
await useSteps().handleNavigateToNextStep()
}, { immediate: true })
// redirect once user has been set
const user = useSupabaseUser()
watch(user, async () => {
if (user.value) {
await useSteps().handleNavigateToNextStep()
}, { immediate: true })
app.vue: fetch store data. I'm hoping to block navigation by using await useAsyncData
const user = useSupabaseUser()
await useAsyncData('userStoreData', async () => {
if (user.value) {
await useUserStore().fetchInitialData()
}, { watch: [user] })
const user = useSupabaseUser()
await useAsyncData('userStoreData', async () => {
if (user.value) {
await useUserStore().fetchInitialData()
}, { watch: [user] })
my store (reduced data for demonstration purpose)
export const useUserStore = defineStore({
id: 'UserStore',
state: () => ({
company: null as Tables<'company'> | null,
actions: {
async fetchInitialData() {
const [companyData] = await Promise.all([
]) = companyData;
export const useUserStore = defineStore({
id: 'UserStore',
state: () => ({
company: null as Tables<'company'> | null,
actions: {
async fetchInitialData() {
const [companyData] = await Promise.all([
]) = companyData;
... however, after the provider.vue redirects me, this value is undefined in one of my composables: const { company } = storeToRefs(useUserStore()) How can I make the application wait until the store has been set?
1 replies
Created by Phillip on 6/11/2023 in #❓・help
How can I use tailwind @apply within a style tag?
Like this:
<style lang="scss" scoped>
a.nuxt-link-active {
@apply .bg-indigo-700 .text-white;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
a.nuxt-link-active {
@apply .bg-indigo-700 .text-white;
I'm using @Nuxtjs/tailwindcss with Nuxt 3
3 replies