Getting weird errors recently when starting Nuxt Deleted node modules, cleared pnpm cache and reinstalled packages, upgraded to newest Nuxt version which got rid of some issues. But this error remains:
[nitro 10:16:13 AM] ERROR RollupError: [plugin impound] Vue app aliases are not allowed in server runtime. [importing #build/app.config.mjs from nodemodules/.pnpm/[email protected]@[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/config.js]
11 replies
`getCachedData`: data is always undefined
I used this workaround mentioned here and this is now working.
7 replies
Is there a way to prefetch the next page which has content that is being injected by javascript?
@L422Y thanks for your ideas! I'm having troubles to follow you quite frankly.
I barely have used mutation observers but you mean I should listen to DOM changes? Or what should I observe?
Your solution would still mean that paymentElement.mount('#payment-element') needs to be run on /welcome/payment-method, correct? => meaning it'll still take a while before the form shows up for the user.
Your solution would still mean that paymentElement.mount('#payment-element') needs to be run on /welcome/payment-method, correct? => meaning it'll still take a while before the form shows up for the user.
2 replies