Cloudflare pages 404?
im in nuxt an i deploy with cloudflare pages. When i visit the site a 404 show up and i have to click 'go home' that uses router link to '/' to see the actual page. This is very odd because when i visit the same path '' or '' the error 404. Despite this when i click 'go home' (set to go to the route '/' ) it shows the page. Doesnt make any sense
8 replies
Bun not found in nuxt application?
This is the file im trying to apply on my app - route: utils/logger.vue
The code works, i do see the output in foo.log. However, after that the app crashes saying there is no module bun defined.
This is every weird and cant find documentation on the problem
14 replies
SQLITE in production
The thing is - most apps dont have enough traffic to make necessary real -con current writes. And with the command
PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;
for concurrent writes with sqilite I really dont understand why I should use it in a project. (Disclamer for nerds)
I want to use sqlite in my nuxt application. Figured out the easiest way to deploy is within the server directory.
Is the server directory accessible from the public internet? Will nuxt break if i put a file .db in this directory? Ideally I want a location where apis can read from and since sqlite only manages file permission I must place the .db file in a path inaccessible form the public internet.6 replies
Common Nitro Gotchas when proxying to wordpress instance
I want to set up a reverse proxy to harness SEO capabilities of worpdress.
The end goal is to set up something like a reverse proxy so when the user visit my nuxt app at the route /blog the server fetch content to the user from the wordpress instance.
Im aware nitro has built in server rules - however i fear this are not optimize for large quantities of traffic.
6 replies
i18n - Error on redirects
So i need to find a configuration that always redirect the user to {locale}/path.
Currently it redirects to /path which results in a 404 since i18n module requires the locale.
Under normal circumstances this wouldnt be needed - i18n is configured to always redirect to a locale, however i dont have very clear why it redirects the user to /path when the user is already log in.
It is likely a problem between the interaction of different modules since i have supabase auth module and i18n installed.
Figured out i need some additional middleware that guarantees the user will always default to /locale/path every time it tries to visit /path.
What is this configuration at i18n? are other people experiencing similar problems?
7 replies
Radix direct auto-import breaking
Anyone has experience trouble using radix vue?
So I installed the module on my nuxt application and tried to use the library. No matter what i do and how many times i reinstall the library the app breakes with the next error:
9 replies
layers a comprehensive guide
The docs for nuxt3 sucks. The subject is complex, the guides too short or non existent, ton of caveats trying to deploy them.
The alternative, i believe, is understand what layers are built on. What features of vue are nuxt layers built on?
7 replies
Layer doesnt import module
I have the Supabase module installed in a layer, along with several components, each with its own functionality. When I use this layer via extend in the main application, the components from the Supabase layer appear, but their functionality doesn’t work.
The error message is clear: the useSupabaseClient composable from the Supabase layer isn’t available, even though this composable is provided by the module.
What could be causing this issue? (Note: the base application doesn’t have the Supabase module itself—I thought that if the layer were imported correctly, it should include the module as well.)
5 replies
Import layer with supabase module
Hello, so i have a layer that takes care of the auth in the application
Im using supabase module for all the auth and it works well on the layer
However, when i try to expand the origin app i got this error on the console
I understand only superficially the error - there is no default export name in the file at the node module. However 1) i dont know what is trying to use this 'default' value 2) im not aware what this default value contains 3) since this error doesnt appear on the origin layer idk what could cause it.
The app doesnt crashes, the routes are protected so i assume the layer was imported properly. However, the menu on the main app is broken, its no longer possible to navigate between pages in the app with the menu if I import the layer.
Not sure where to start to solve this problem
6 replies
Layers nuxt 4
Hello, im about to use layers for the first time
Should i wait a little longer to start learning about layers or the current set up with nuxt3 is fully compatible?
- Are nuxt 3 layers compatible with nuxt 4?
- Is this video up to date?
- Is documentation up to date?
Thank you!
5 replies