Created by IsaacR943 on 1/18/2025 in #❓・help
SQLITE in production
i could use nuxtignore to ignore the file at the server directory?
6 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 1/11/2025 in #❓・help
Common Nitro Gotchas when proxying to wordpress instance
6 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 12/31/2024 in #❓・help
Radix direct auto-import breaking
ended up doing my own component with claude
9 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 1/4/2025 in #❓・help
i18n - Error on redirects
tht didnt worked
7 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 12/31/2024 in #❓・help
layers a comprehensive guide
I will read the unjs docs and resolve my questions with gpt or kapa Layers is one of the features in my opinion set nuxt apart from others. However my main concerns are: - required additional optimization to 'deflate' the project - breaking changes in nuxt 4 (btw everyone is waiting for this update ❤️ )
7 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 12/31/2024 in #❓・help
Radix direct auto-import breaking
This is the component:
<script setup>
import {
} from 'lucide-vue-next'

import { DialogRoot, DialogTrigger, DialogOverlay, DialogTitle, DialogClose, DialogDescription, DialogContent, DialogPortal } from '#components';
<DialogTrigger @click.stop class="inline-block">
<div class="pointer-events-none">
<slot>Default Tag</slot>
class="bg-blackA9/50 backdrop-blur-sm data-[state=open]:animate-overlayShow fixed inset-0 z-30"
class="data-[state=open]:animate-contentShow fixed top-[50%] left-[50%] max-h-[85vh] w-[90vw] max-w-[450px] translate-x-[-50%] translate-y-[-50%] rounded-[6px] bg-white p-[25px] shadow-[hsl(206_22%_7%_/_35%)_0px_10px_38px_-10px,_hsl(206_22%_7%_/_20%)_0px_10px_20px_-15px] focus:outline-none z-[100]"
<DialogTitle class="text-mauve12 m-0 text-[17px] font-semibold">
<slot name="title">Title</slot>
<DialogDescription class="text-mauve11 mt-[10px] mb-5 text-[15px] leading-normal">
<slot name="description">description</slot>

class="text-grass11 hover:bg-green4 focus:shadow-green7 absolute top-[10px] right-[10px] inline-flex h-[25px] w-[25px] appearance-none items-center justify-center focus:shadow-[0_0_0_2px] focus:outline-none"
<script setup>
import {
} from 'lucide-vue-next'

import { DialogRoot, DialogTrigger, DialogOverlay, DialogTitle, DialogClose, DialogDescription, DialogContent, DialogPortal } from '#components';
<DialogTrigger @click.stop class="inline-block">
<div class="pointer-events-none">
<slot>Default Tag</slot>
class="bg-blackA9/50 backdrop-blur-sm data-[state=open]:animate-overlayShow fixed inset-0 z-30"
class="data-[state=open]:animate-contentShow fixed top-[50%] left-[50%] max-h-[85vh] w-[90vw] max-w-[450px] translate-x-[-50%] translate-y-[-50%] rounded-[6px] bg-white p-[25px] shadow-[hsl(206_22%_7%_/_35%)_0px_10px_38px_-10px,_hsl(206_22%_7%_/_20%)_0px_10px_20px_-15px] focus:outline-none z-[100]"
<DialogTitle class="text-mauve12 m-0 text-[17px] font-semibold">
<slot name="title">Title</slot>
<DialogDescription class="text-mauve11 mt-[10px] mb-5 text-[15px] leading-normal">
<slot name="description">description</slot>

class="text-grass11 hover:bg-green4 focus:shadow-green7 absolute top-[10px] right-[10px] inline-flex h-[25px] w-[25px] appearance-none items-center justify-center focus:shadow-[0_0_0_2px] focus:outline-none"
9 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 11/19/2024 in #❓・help
Error deploying to
If you do know how to optimize and deploy layers i would very much appreciate your tips
10 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 11/19/2024 in #❓・help
Error deploying to
you will not like the answer but - after done my research it seems that layers add too much over head and even if you deploy the application you end up with a very heavy app (if you dont optimize each layer will have a similar weight and consume similar resources as a stand alone app would). The solutions was to manually copy paste everything into folders at the destination
10 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 11/19/2024 in #❓・help
Error deploying to
10 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 11/22/2024 in #❓・help
Bizzare error with whole screen split in two
useless. The solution was to wrap the asynnc omponent into <ClientOnly>
6 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 11/13/2024 in #❓・help
Make explicit auto import of a component
update - a turn around is doing something like
import { NavbarLogoMain as Logo } from '#components'
import { NavbarLogoMain as Logo } from '#components'
5 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 11/13/2024 in #❓・help
Disable auto components
can i make explicit the path fro the component to auto import? for instance import main from components/menu folder
5 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 11/13/2024 in #❓・help
Import layer with supabase module
1. Packages are up to date 2. Module is compatible for w the nuxt version i use 3. Imposible to know where to adjust the import since the creteClient from supabase-js is not use on any of my files but rather somewhere in node_modules 4. transpile the library doesnt work 5. No way to know which versions of supabase would be conflicting. 6. Since no error is prompt on origin layer the configuration is done correctly - its a problem of the main app
6 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 11/3/2024 in #❓・help
Deactive jump to the top
Actually the way to do it is going to each of the pages and pasting on the script set up section:
scrollToTop: false
scrollToTop: false
6 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 9/29/2024 in #❓・help
Stuck with reactivity not working
bruh started yesterday with the framework chill - its just another js frmk
7 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 9/30/2024 in #❓・help
[plugin:vite:vue] Codegen node is missing for element/if/for node. Apply appropriate transforms firs
Update, this is a vue / vite error. I made the example as simple as possible and the thing still dont work. Example:
// layout.vue
<slot :headerContent="header"></slot>
// page.vue
<template #default="{ headerContent }">
<div>{{ headerContent }}</div>
// layout.vue
<slot :headerContent="header"></slot>
// page.vue
<template #default="{ headerContent }">
<div>{{ headerContent }}</div>
ERROR Pre-transform error: Codegen node is missing for element/if/for node. Apply appropriate transforms first.

[vite-node] [plugin:vite:vue] [VITE_ERROR] /pages/chat.vue?macro=true
ERROR Pre-transform error: Codegen node is missing for element/if/for node. Apply appropriate transforms first.

[vite-node] [plugin:vite:vue] [VITE_ERROR] /pages/chat.vue?macro=true
2 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 9/29/2024 in #❓・help
Stuck with reactivity not working
that only using
instead of
(only for the template tho)
7 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 9/29/2024 in #❓・help
Stuck with reactivity not working
update - what solved the issue for me was changing the watch to:
watch(() => props.mykey, async (newKey) => {
await fetchRedisValue(newKey);
await nextTick();
console.log('line 5x watchEffect - my_redis_value:', my_redis_value.value);
isLoading.value = false;
watch(() => props.mykey, async (newKey) => {
await fetchRedisValue(newKey);
await nextTick();
console.log('line 5x watchEffect - my_redis_value:', my_redis_value.value);
isLoading.value = false;
7 replies
Created by IsaacR943 on 9/29/2024 in #❓・help
Stuck with reactivity not working
LINE 6x show 'undefined' always, despite lines 50 and 51 show the proper result.
7 replies