Created by szobi on 2/11/2025 in #❓・help
refresh page after back to tap on mobile
Hello, l created a login by metamask using all connectors and logic are in modal which is inside app.vue l have problem with the following case: When I choose MetaMask, the SDK redirects me to the MetaMask app to connect the wallet. However, after manually returning to the page, the app refreshes, and the modal closes. any idea why?
10 replies
Created by szobi on 7/10/2024 in #❓・help
Problem with envs in docker
Helllo, l have a problem with envs to redis connect l hosted app in docker with custom image its my nuxt.config
runtimeConfig: {
redisHost: '',
redisPort: '',
redisPassword: '',
redisUsername: '',
runtimeConfig: {
redisHost: '',
redisPort: '',
redisPassword: '',
redisUsername: '',
import redisDriver from 'unstorage/drivers/redis'

export default defineNitroPlugin(() => {

const config = useRuntimeConfig()
const storage = useStorage()
const driver = redisDriver({
base: '',
host: config.redisHost,
// @ts-ignore set REDIS_PORT AS number
port: config.redisPort as number,
username: config.redisUsername,
password: config.redisPassword,


// Mount driver
storage.mount('redis', driver)
import redisDriver from 'unstorage/drivers/redis'

export default defineNitroPlugin(() => {

const config = useRuntimeConfig()
const storage = useStorage()
const driver = redisDriver({
base: '',
host: config.redisHost,
// @ts-ignore set REDIS_PORT AS number
port: config.redisPort as number,
username: config.redisUsername,
password: config.redisPassword,


// Mount driver
storage.mount('redis', driver)
But after docker compose up app see only envs from runTime.public redisHost and others are empty 😦 and redis want connect to default server any ideas?
2 replies
Created by szobi on 4/12/2024 in #❓・help
custom modules i n Nuxt Layers
Hi, I am creating a layer that will be used in many projects. In the layer I have three modules that are responsible for, for example, syncing snippets from the backend, in general, a lot of it is based on folders and files. (modules are in the local modules folder) I have a problem because when I extend in the main project where I use this layer, it shows me that this module is missing. Is it possible to play it somehow or do the modules have to be as separate packages?
2 replies
Created by szobi on 9/21/2023 in #❓・help
I18n change translations
Hello, Is it possible to change translations on the fly without rebuild app? l want a sync a snippets from admin panel, lm using nuxt-i18n
5 replies
Created by szobi on 5/9/2023 in #❓・help
error with nuxi upgrade using pnpm
Hello, l want to upgrade nuxt to the latest version but with pnpm l have that problem:
pnpm dlx nuxi upgrade
.../share/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-81284 | +1 +
.../share/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-81284 | Progress: resolved 2, reused 0, downloaded 1, added 0
Nuxi 3.4.3 1:12:01 PM
1:12:01 PM
ℹ Package Manager: pnpm 8.2.0 1:12:01 PM
ℹ Current nuxt version: 3.3.2 1:12:01 PM
.../share/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-81284 | Progress: resolved 2, reused 0, downloaded 1, added 1, done 1:12:01 PM
 ERR_PNPM_ADDING_TO_ROOT  Running this command will add the dependency to the workspace root, which might not be what you want - if you really meant it, make it explicit by running this command again with the -w flag (or --workspace-root). If you don't want to see this warning anymore, you may set the ignore-workspace-root-check setting to true.

ERROR Command failed: pnpm install -D nuxt
pnpm dlx nuxi upgrade
.../share/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-81284 | +1 +
.../share/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-81284 | Progress: resolved 2, reused 0, downloaded 1, added 0
Nuxi 3.4.3 1:12:01 PM
1:12:01 PM
ℹ Package Manager: pnpm 8.2.0 1:12:01 PM
ℹ Current nuxt version: 3.3.2 1:12:01 PM
.../share/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-81284 | Progress: resolved 2, reused 0, downloaded 1, added 1, done 1:12:01 PM
 ERR_PNPM_ADDING_TO_ROOT  Running this command will add the dependency to the workspace root, which might not be what you want - if you really meant it, make it explicit by running this command again with the -w flag (or --workspace-root). If you don't want to see this warning anymore, you may set the ignore-workspace-root-check setting to true.

ERROR Command failed: pnpm install -D nuxt
any ideas?
npx nuxi upgrade doesnt work too
3 replies
Created by szobi on 3/28/2023 in #❓・help
nuxt instance unavailable during fetch data
after ugrade from 3.0.0 to 3.3.2 l have a problem with fetch data in pinia store ( lm using setup store type) trackbase
Error: nuxt instance unavailable 16:55:33
at Module.useNuxtApp (/home/szobi/code/1-front/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/nuxt.js:189:13)
at Module.useAppConfig (/home/szobi/code/1-front/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/config.js:32:41)
at getProductOpinion (/home/szobi/code/1-front/stores/products.ts:62:56)
at Proxy.getProduct (/home/szobi/code/1-front/stores/products.ts:42:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async setup (/home/szobi/code/1-front/pages/product/[slug].vue:90:164)
Error: nuxt instance unavailable 16:55:33
at Module.useNuxtApp (/home/szobi/code/1-front/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/nuxt.js:189:13)
at Module.useAppConfig (/home/szobi/code/1-front/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/config.js:32:41)
at getProductOpinion (/home/szobi/code/1-front/stores/products.ts:62:56)
at Proxy.getProduct (/home/szobi/code/1-front/stores/products.ts:42:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async setup (/home/szobi/code/1-front/pages/product/[slug].vue:90:164)
its my pages code:
try {
await productStore.getProduct(route.params.slug, EProductType.SINGLE)
} catch (e) {
showError({ statusCode: EErrorStatus.ERROR_404, statusMessage: 'Pages Not Found' })
try {
await productStore.getProduct(route.params.slug, EProductType.SINGLE)
} catch (e) {
showError({ statusCode: EErrorStatus.ERROR_404, statusMessage: 'Pages Not Found' })
method in pinia:
const getProduct = async (
slug: string | number,
expectedType: EProductType,
options: CustomFetchOptions | null = null,
) => {
const { $sdk } = useNuxtApp()
opinions.value = []

try {
const response = await $sdk.api.products(
options || {
query: { slug },
product.value =
if (product.value?.type !== expectedType) {
throw new Error('Product type is not expected ')

await getProductOpinion()
} catch (err) {
const getProduct = async (
slug: string | number,
expectedType: EProductType,
options: CustomFetchOptions | null = null,
) => {
const { $sdk } = useNuxtApp()
opinions.value = []

try {
const response = await $sdk.api.products(
options || {
query: { slug },
product.value =
if (product.value?.type !== expectedType) {
throw new Error('Product type is not expected ')

await getProductOpinion()
} catch (err) {
$sdk is my module where hold useApi composable based on useFetch any ideas with this error?
7 replies
Created by szobi on 3/23/2023 in #❓・help
useCookie set bad max-age expires
No description
3 replies
Created by szobi on 1/17/2023 in #❓・help
double request after use $fetch
No description
6 replies