Nuxt2y ago

nuxt instance unavailable during fetch data

after ugrade from 3.0.0 to 3.3.2 l have a problem with fetch data in pinia store ( lm using setup store type) trackbase
Error: nuxt instance unavailable 16:55:33
at Module.useNuxtApp (/home/szobi/code/1-front/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/nuxt.js:189:13)
at Module.useAppConfig (/home/szobi/code/1-front/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/config.js:32:41)
at getProductOpinion (/home/szobi/code/1-front/stores/products.ts:62:56)
at Proxy.getProduct (/home/szobi/code/1-front/stores/products.ts:42:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async setup (/home/szobi/code/1-front/pages/product/[slug].vue:90:164)
Error: nuxt instance unavailable 16:55:33
at Module.useNuxtApp (/home/szobi/code/1-front/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/nuxt.js:189:13)
at Module.useAppConfig (/home/szobi/code/1-front/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/config.js:32:41)
at getProductOpinion (/home/szobi/code/1-front/stores/products.ts:62:56)
at Proxy.getProduct (/home/szobi/code/1-front/stores/products.ts:42:13)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async setup (/home/szobi/code/1-front/pages/product/[slug].vue:90:164)
its my pages code:
try {
await productStore.getProduct(route.params.slug, EProductType.SINGLE)
} catch (e) {
showError({ statusCode: EErrorStatus.ERROR_404, statusMessage: 'Pages Not Found' })
try {
await productStore.getProduct(route.params.slug, EProductType.SINGLE)
} catch (e) {
showError({ statusCode: EErrorStatus.ERROR_404, statusMessage: 'Pages Not Found' })
method in pinia:
const getProduct = async (
slug: string | number,
expectedType: EProductType,
options: CustomFetchOptions | null = null,
) => {
const { $sdk } = useNuxtApp()
opinions.value = []

try {
const response = await $sdk.api.products(
options || {
query: { slug },
product.value = response.data
if (product.value?.type !== expectedType) {
throw new Error('Product type is not expected ')

await getProductOpinion()
} catch (err) {
const getProduct = async (
slug: string | number,
expectedType: EProductType,
options: CustomFetchOptions | null = null,
) => {
const { $sdk } = useNuxtApp()
opinions.value = []

try {
const response = await $sdk.api.products(
options || {
query: { slug },
product.value = response.data
if (product.value?.type !== expectedType) {
throw new Error('Product type is not expected ')

await getProductOpinion()
} catch (err) {
$sdk is my module where hold useApi composable based on useFetch any ideas with this error?
5 Replies
szobiOP2y ago
aah and its getProductOpinion method
const getProductOpinion = async (loadMore = false) => {
const { opinionsItemPage } = useAppConfig()
if (loadMore && isLastOpinionPage.value) return
try {
const response = await $sdk.api.opinionsByProductId(product.value.id, {
query: {
per_page: opinionsItemPage,
page: loadMore ? opinionsMeta.value.currentPage + 1 : 1,
opinionsMeta.value = response.meta
opinions.value = [...opinions.value, ...response.data]
} catch (err) {
const getProductOpinion = async (loadMore = false) => {
const { opinionsItemPage } = useAppConfig()
if (loadMore && isLastOpinionPage.value) return
try {
const response = await $sdk.api.opinionsByProductId(product.value.id, {
query: {
per_page: opinionsItemPage,
page: loadMore ? opinionsMeta.value.currentPage + 1 : 1,
opinionsMeta.value = response.meta
opinions.value = [...opinions.value, ...response.data]
} catch (err) {
any solutions? 🥺
Unknown User
Unknown User2y ago
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manniL2y ago
Document composables concept · Issue #14723 · nuxt/nuxt
Nuxt 3 uses Vue 3 with Composition API and unjs/unctx for supporting composables with the implicit context in nuxtApp (plugins, middleware) and nuxt kit too. However, there are many cases in this n...
szobiOP2y ago
l had two case one when request was nasted in pinia store method ( setup setting)
const getProduct = async (
slug: string | number,
expectedType: EProductType,
options: CustomFetchOptions | null = null,
) => {
const { $sdk } = useNuxtApp()
opinions.value = []

const courseStore = useCourses()
isProcessing.value = true
try {
const response = await $sdk.api.products(
options || {
query: { slug },
product.value = response.data
if (product.value?.type !== expectedType) {
throw new Error('Product type is not expected ')

// herre error
// await getProductOpinion()
} catch (err) {
} finally {
isProcessing.value = false
const getProduct = async (
slug: string | number,
expectedType: EProductType,
options: CustomFetchOptions | null = null,
) => {
const { $sdk } = useNuxtApp()
opinions.value = []

const courseStore = useCourses()
isProcessing.value = true
try {
const response = await $sdk.api.products(
options || {
query: { slug },
product.value = response.data
if (product.value?.type !== expectedType) {
throw new Error('Product type is not expected ')

// herre error
// await getProductOpinion()
} catch (err) {
} finally {
isProcessing.value = false
and solved it by move getProductOpinion to try catch in page vue
try {
await productStore.getProduct(route.params.slug, EProductType.SINGLE)
} catch (e) {
showError({ statusCode: EErrorStatus.ERROR_404, statusMessage: 'Pages Not Found' })
try {
await productStore.getProduct(route.params.slug, EProductType.SINGLE)
} catch (e) {
showError({ statusCode: EErrorStatus.ERROR_404, statusMessage: 'Pages Not Found' })
secound case is move try catch from function getCourse() to try catch in script setup root
Unknown User
Unknown User2y ago
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