Adnan Erlansyah
Prevent change the cookie from javascript or console.log in the browser
So I have some composable named
served as the provider to set, get, and remove the token from cookie. But I want this cookie can't be changed from the browser or console.log, is it possible?
10 replies
NODE_ENV isn't changed although it's already updated in the environment
How can I fix the NODE_ENV value, which is still set to "development" even though I've changed it to "local" in Nuxt.js 3? I've set the public configuration in my nuxt.config.ts, but the NODE_ENV value hasn't changed, even though the environment has already been updated.
9 replies
Failed to exchange the Google token
Hello everyone, has anyone here ever encountered the error that the code from Google OAuth is not valid when I try to exchange it for a token from the backend? I followed this article to implement a login flow with Google using nuxt-utils, but when the code is sent to the backend, it becomes invalid, resulting in the error:
failed to exchange Google token
This is my code to handle login google oauth.
7 replies
How to handle error messages based on enviroment?
Hello everyone, has anyone here ever experienced about how we can handle the error message based on environment? so for example if it's on dev, then the message will shown as from the debugging but when it's on production then use a message that looks informative like 'Server is being error now, please try again later'.
5 replies