Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







how can i turn outline svg into filled svg in figma

i have quote svg but it's just an outline but i want to make it filled ( current and goal image is attached)

What brackets extension do you use in VS Code?

I'm currently using Rainbow Brackets by 2gua. I was using Bracket Pair Colorizer but saw the warning a number of months ago about it not being supported anymore so I made the switch. I'm happy with Rainbow Brackets except for PHP files - the PHP tags are red: <?php and it's unnerving. It makes me thing there is an error. Do any of you use a different brackets extension, or is there a way to adjust the color for PHP tags in Rainbow Brackets?

Netlify redirects

How do you guys manage redirects in Netlify? I was reading the article but just didn't stick to me. I made a file like it says in here (a _redirects file), but nothing really changed :(...

Python in VSCode - extremely slow (how to fix?)

When I'm writing JS or TS for non-web tasks, eg toy scripts I make for fun, I use VSCode TypeScript to run type checking and Quokka to execute my scripts on-demand. Usually I can write a fairly big (>1000 lines) file before I notice any slow down. File save is instant, type checking is instant, and execution is no longer than the expected runtime of the program. When I'm writing Python, I use Microsoft's python extension to run type checking, and the terminal (bash) to execute the scripts. I use a virtual environment because good practice & I don't want to nuke the py3.10 internal to my OS. I can't get more than a couple dozen lines in before it's slow. File save takes so long that I can run my script several times before VSCode actually writes the changes to disc, type checking is all but useless as ctrl+space or hovering takes minutes to load anything, and execution is painfully slow (this may just be python's interpreter taking a while to spin up)....

Installing an OS on a laptop with broken screen

Okay, so I have a old laptop (HP if I remember correctly that came with Windows XP) and the screen is like completely broken (the pixels don't turn on, even though you can see that there is actual output onto it) and I would like to wipe the disk and install Ubuntu Server onto it so that I can use it with SSH. Is there any way to do that without actually unmounting the laptop, installing the OS through my current laptop and reputting the hard disk on the old one? Any help is appreciated :P

From a freelancing perspective, what's the best way to build a site that has a login service?

Should I use a CMS, Headless CMS, building it myself with a framework like React and libraries for authentication/etc...? Big points would be ease-of-use, time-efficiency, but also customizability. Basically I'd love to code the frontend from scratch and just have a backend do the login service for me, which is what I believe a headless cms does, but I'm curious on what your guys' workflow is and what you think is best!

Any recommendations for a free anti-virus program?

I am almost done setting up my new laptop now (Love it!) and I want to install an anti-virus/malware program. I'm interested in Avast, AVG, Malwarebytes, or Bitdefender. Any thumbs-up or down for those? Something better? I have a Dell Latitude 7490, 8 GB RAM, Windows 11, 64-bit.

Strings must use singlequote how to disable this rule in eslint?

Strings must use singlequote how to disable this rule in eslint?...

GitHub SSH key or username and email?

I'll be getting my new laptop tomorrow and I'll have to do all the setup like installing node and git. When I first connected to GitHub I used a username and email to verify my identity. I watched a freeCodeCamp video on Git and they had a section on authenticating with SSH. I was confused by that method. Is there a benefit to using an SSH key? What do you all use?

Computer recommendations part 2

I settled on a laptop to buy but I would also like to buy 2 monitors for it and a wireless keyboard/mouse. What do you all use? Is your primary monitor for your editor, and your secondary one for viewing your localhost/webpage? Or vice versa? The monitor I have now seems fine for my editor but it is too horizontal for viewing web pages IMO: 22" 1920x1080. I would like something less rectangular and more square. That ratio is too big for my liking. I am searching Amazon now but wanted to get some recommendations first. Also, any ideas on the "best" wireless mouse/keyboard brand? And what about external speakers? On a side note, would it be worth it to either 1) Upgrade the RAM for my laptop, and/or 2) Somehow "reset" my laptop to ignore Windows 11 updates? For #2, somehow I may have clicked a link to update my Win10 to Win11 and it's been causing problems since then....


anyone knows what this means? what exactly should I do here...

Disable **all** notifications, including errors

VSCode has a "do not disturb" mode which will silence all notifications. Perfect, that's what I want. Except it doesn't silence all notifications, it allows errors to come through. Now, I understand error messages are important, but 99% of the ones I get are just annoying and I already know why they're happening, they're equally as annoying and unwanted as the warning or info messages and I don't want them. ...

Changing Disc Mode in bios

I was trying to dual boot Linux fedora, when booting it from usb I choose the option for installation and in hard disc option it shows no disc selected ,,, why it is not able to detect storage? i googled the matter and it says I have to change disc mode from ide to ahci or raid but in my hp-dq14, I don't find any option for changing disc mode in bios. plz help...

Terminal console lines that are offscreen are missing

Not sure if this is OS, Windows 11, VS, C# or terminal issue. Can't seem to find anything relating this Simple program in C#: ```cs static void Main(string[] args)...

popOS mostly bricked...

I honestly don't know what happened. I booted up today and it told me to restart to finalize updates. I did, and now I'm stuck here... "Oh no! Something has gone wrong. A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. Please log out and try again." ...

.gitignore - extra command so it doesn't push to github?

I have node_modules inside my .gitignore but it's uploaded to github anyway, googling it point me to .gitignore but if i already have that... am i missing something?

Anyone had experience with this App?

On my lunch break I stumbled across this Github actions/app which acts as a a11ylint, and it will create a comment on any problematic areas on pull requests. Im thinking of adding it to our frontend projects at work as an extra step to detect any stragglers that have been missed as well as to remind any juniors. I don't expect it to cover all bases either as theres a lot more that goes into it than just code. Has anyone used this before? Would you recommend it?...

Using DevTools grid inspector with React

I just watched Kevin's video about how to debug CSS with DevTools and saw the part about grid inspector. This is something I would like to use but even with the React DevTools installed I can't seem to figure out how I could see the grid with my app. Is this possible?

VS Code, Live Preview plugin (bug?)

I'm using Visual Studio Code and running the Live Server plugin. Every time I ctrl+s (save) my .CSS file, live preview window auto scrolls up slightly every time and its starting to annoy me. Do any of you have this issue? If so, how do I fix this?...

uploaded finished designs to github but one doesn't work

i tried to upload a github website and use multiple files to get multiple pages to showcase the things i've done but two worked fine and the third just doesn't work even tho i've done the same thing on all three of them would appreciate if anyone got knowledge on that