From a freelancing perspective, what's the best way to build a site that has a login service?

Should I use a CMS, Headless CMS, building it myself with a framework like React and libraries for authentication/etc...? Big points would be ease-of-use, time-efficiency, but also customizability. Basically I'd love to code the frontend from scratch and just have a backend do the login service for me, which is what I believe a headless cms does, but I'm curious on what your guys' workflow is and what you think is best!
3 Replies
vince2y ago
Might not be the right channel for this, but figured it wasn't really a frontend/backend question
b1mind2y ago
Ah honestly this is the name of the game, I'd say find something you can work with easily and crank out sites. For me this was WordPress. If I needed more customisation I'd probably do a Django CMS Both you can run heedless
vince2y ago
Thank you!