ABK | Muneer
ABK | Muneer
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 3/16/2024 in #os-and-tools
Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 2021 ms: Couldn't connect to server
getting this error randomly now github desktop and GitHub website and any git instant is not working and when i try to push or pull i get
Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 2021 ms: Couldn't connect to server
Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 2021 ms: Couldn't connect to server
any help is appreciated i looked up online but no solution solved this problem so here i am
1 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 10/25/2023 in #back-end
what's faster async or sync ?
so I came across a video and it was talking about this article https://www.softwareatscale.dev/p/the-hidden-performance-cost-of-nodejs#:~:text=NodeJS%20and%20GraphQL%20are%20popular,promises%2C%20which%20degrades%20request%20performance. which says that the sync is a way faster approach than the promises/async and shows some tables showing the difference what would be the best approach since I always use async functions in serverless functions
17 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 10/4/2023 in #back-end
I want to add rate limit to nextjs app router APIs
am making website and i want to add rate limit for my api endpoints but can't seem to find good way or package that works with latest nextjs app router
2 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 9/19/2023 in #front-end
Private videos undownloadable
Hello i got project i want to make private videos, ones that can't be downloaded or access outside the website can you guys mention best websites to do that? (youtube is out the question)
41 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 9/1/2023 in #front-end
i want to track how many people click on links on my website
i'm using Google analytics right now to track how many people entered my website and the setup was pretty easy but now i want to also track how many people click on certain links like social media which there's tutorials on youtube but they are complicated so if anyone know easy way to integrate it or have video explaining that in easy way i can follow that would be appreciated!
13 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 4/24/2023 in #back-end
how do some people get udemy coupons for free?
There's a telegram group with free udemy course coupon that gives courses for free for the first 1000 person or something like that, i want to know how they do it, api or something else that gets them as soon as they become available
1 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 2/23/2023 in #front-end
Start freelancing
hello every one I was thinking to try freelancing as a frontend but I got some questions that I'd like anyone to answer or share their opinions and ways to improve of course, 1. if I want to provide frontend websites what hosting and domain providers should I choose for hosting I was thinking about netlify because they provide free hosting till your site gets a lot of traffic so I thought of it as an option and I'd like ur opinions for domain providers 2. SEO what is the best way to optimize sites for SEO if you have tips and sites like HTML tags and tutorials that are working I'd love to know more about 3. e-commerce as frontend should i be able to provide that? I've seen a person using Strip API and linked it with a site if there are more or other ways please let me know 4. pricing I'm still new to all of that so I don't know how to price anything tbh I don't want to be the person to ask for too much as I'd like to get started and get experience along the way so i can start with something low then grind my way up 5. how to find and offer people my service, I can't really use websites like Upwork and fivver and most American companies so what would you think are other ways to try to start as a newbie sorry if that post is too long and I would love any feedback or other think that I missed or I can benefit from in my journey to start my career as a developer! also, thanks to everyone that helps people in the HELP channels you guys are the best
31 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 2/10/2023 in #resources
short free sub.domains
3 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 2/5/2023 in #os-and-tools
Firebase problem
51 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 1/3/2023 in #os-and-tools
Can i install React and create new apps without having to download it from npm?
8 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 12/30/2022 in #front-end
is it possible to get rainbow tags in JSX like normal HTML ?
9 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 11/19/2022 in #front-end
Javascript notification
9 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 10/26/2022 in #front-end
little forEach loop question
18 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 10/17/2022 in #front-end
how to get input live and change value of var?
10 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 10/10/2022 in #front-end
continue or return in JS
34 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 10/8/2022 in #front-end
little help with javascript while loops
29 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 9/29/2022 in #front-end
screen rotation problem
41 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 9/28/2022 in #front-end
rem or px for padding and margin
i want to practice using the right thing in my code and i think using rem is a better approach than using px but now the padding and margin and i don't know which one would be better to use in that case
9 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 9/28/2022 in #front-end
questions about SVG
so i'm trying to learn about SVG and use them since i heard it's better than lots of things so i need little help
18 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ABK | Muneer on 9/25/2022 in #resources
this a Microsoft app that gives you lots of benefits including -make any window always on top -awake to never let the pc sleep -color picker to let you pick any color in any format -fancyzones for people with large screens to help with split screen -file explorer add-ons -img resizer change the img size and save new size -keyboard manager to remap or set multiple keys with 1 button -mouse utilities -powerRename -PowerToys Run a really cool run app Screen Ruler to see the width and height of anything in the screen -shortcut guide to show what windows button + other buttons do -Text Extractor to extract text anywhere in the screen -video confrence mute let you mute the mic or close the camera https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys
1 replies