Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







How to deploy your website without other users getting into your database user and password file?

Lets say I want to deploy a folder into github and it's connected to a database and I name it a file called db.php. Is there a way to make it so that when I upload this to GitHub, I can still connect to the database but other people cannot find the file? Dose the gitignore file dose that? I never thought about it until now....

Setting up server (

Hello, I purchased a server from WebDock.IO to host a website I built. I followed this documentation ( Generated Public / Private key with Putty Gen. Added public key to a user. Then logged in with Putty. But once I type in the username, it prompts (see pic)...
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Needing to add security to my website

I am needing to know how to add security to my website. Can someone help?

I am curious as to why I am getting an 404 error with my contact page.

I am using .php and html. here are two screenshots. I am needing help with this. Am I missing something? If you need me to clarify anything let me know....
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How to create Custom Project Templates in Webstrom IDE

Hi Devs! If anyone of you is using Webstrom IDE than you must know that it provides project templates for React, Vue, Express etc and we can create projects from these. Can anyone guide me on how to I can create custom Project Templates like that?...

PHP Type Coercion with echo(), data-type of output. Is my example correct?

I have some examples in the attachment picture here, and I just want to confirm that the data types that I think I'm 'coercing' into are actually correct. For example, echo(string) true returns 1. Here, I think that means that the returned 1 is a string data-type, and that it's a string data-type because of my 'string' argument. Whereas, for another example, echo(int) 3.14 <-- here I'm coercing a float into an integer. So when this returns a 3, I can assume that the 3 is an integer correct? Because I used the 'int' argument, right? ...
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Question about putting up your website with a Database

Hello, I been using GitHub and Netlify to deploy my sites. They are using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Now that I have learn PHP and MySql I want to use MySql however I have no idea how to deploy a website with MySql. So, I was wondering if anyone know if there is a way to deploy my website online using GitHub or Netlify or another way to deploy it free? If unable to for free then whats the cheapest and best option? I'm very new to this, so I'm up to learn 🙂...

manga chapters

Hey guys, I'm trying to make a manga website, I made the front end, and I started working on the manga, and I stopped at the controllers and the images of the controllers. Can I create a system in which I put the images of the controllers in a ZIP file and make the JavaScript recognize it? And how? And if there's another way to make chapters and images inside using supabase tell me please.


I'm use Ubuntu lts 23.10 version,i have lampp installed in my opt directory, i want to use mysql then when execute this command in my command line mysql -u root -p then it show up the mariaDb not mysql. I want to use mysql but i don't know how to change that mariaDb to mysql

serialize and unserialize

I know what serialize and unserialize are where it will change array and object to the string representasion. But what is the purpose and from what I know because Arrays and objects that have been serialized mean that these arrays and objects can be stored in the database or cache which aims to maintain the data structure. Does this related to the php execution environment,Because it seems like for example : ...

identifying calsses

this is my spec for my assignment. i just wanted to clarify that i identified the classes right / and the relationships between eachother? so weather forecasting would be parent class and then historical weather / air quality are subclasses? Image...
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django rest framework drf social oauth2

when i hit this endpoint with access token from facebook in my database user is automatically created and all of its fields are automatically created i want to be able to edit that model and serilize it before saving it
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How to deploy a mern stack project

from what i have seen, we use atlas and then host the backend server on its own so the api will work, and then create the frontend and host it on its own - but why i have seen some developers putting the frontend and the backend in one folder ??? will it be hosted at once...

How to update Mongodb?

I'm new to dev and I keep getting the errors as below: [Error] Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. Status code: 204 [Error] Fetch API cannot load due to access control checks. [Error] Failed to load resource: Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. Status code: 204 (insertOne, line 0) ...
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Fetch Confusion

```JS fetch('') .then((response) => { return response.json(); })...

AWS Amplify

In Amplify Studio, Data modeling , I added user pool admin group can Read, Create, Update, and Delete Movie, then added a user to that group, is that enough to work or I have to add a role in (IAM role - optional)?

CORS Blocking My Request

I include this in my backend: header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *"); header("Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); ...

Problem with meta tags in html

<meta property="title" content="Manage - create your own landing pages fast and quick"> <meta property="description" content="Bring everyone together to build better products. Manage makes it simple for software teams to plan day-to-day tasks while keeping the larger team goals in view."> <meta property="image" content="">...

.env vs config folder in nodejs

.env saves the enviroment variable while config does what ?? the same...