Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time ๐Ÿ™‚.







django rest framework

i have a question i want to give user to authinticate itself using 2 ways my social platforms like google and also using normal email and password i am using react in front end and django in backend can anyone guide me how i can achieve this?


My problem is: syntax error, unexpected 'private' (T_PRIVATE), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) When I do this: public function __construct(private ProductGateway $gateway)...

restore input with km

Someone who can help please. I do not understand it any more. I have an attendance list for the cycling club. We have 4 groups; A, B+, B and C. Each group cycles different km. I store all these in the db. together with who cycled with which group....

How to listen for SOAP request in nodejs

Hello friends, I couldn't find better tutorial on understanding SOAP. Currently I am working with SMPP protocol to send SMS from my application, it works fine, but to receive SMS, the ISP told me to use SOAP, they said that they will send MO messages to my end using SOAP request, now my node application need to listen for that request. But I am not familiar to how I am going to create a server to listen for SOAP request. Anybody here with experience in SOAP? Thanks...

Good free low-code platform

Hello, Im fairl y good in FE (html, css and js) I like to learn also BE work but in ruby and PHP I fail at things to be complex. So I think I want to look at non of lowcode to make nice custom looking website's....

Invalid environment variables

โŒ Invalid environment variables: { ENCRYPTION_KEY: [ 'Invalid input' ] } /node_modules/@t3-oss/env-nextjs/dist/index.mjs:1

routes order when using nodejs

does arrangement or order of routes matter in nodejs when building api's because I currently have my routes some with jwt tokens and others without tokens but when I try to access routes without tokens insomnia asks that add a jtw token, is that a bug or should I re arrange my routes?


Hello, I want to create a phone number field with winform. Thanks,...
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Query on JSON data type. MySQL.

Excuse me.. I'm still learning on querying database. I have a column with a JSON data type like this ```json [...

How to compress images in s3 bucket ?

actually i have a backend in nodejs and confused to how to compress the images and then store them again to my s3 bucket .Moreover i also want to decompress thode images whenever the client fetches them ? Any help will be appreciated, Thank you !...

what's faster async or sync ?

so I came across a video and it was talking about this article,promises%2C%20which%20degrades%20request%20performance. which says that the sync is a way faster approach than the promises/async and shows some tables showing the difference what would be the best approach since I always use async functions in serverless functions...

Please I need help connecting my website to Adsense

I'm almost caught up with my deadline and I've tried everything I know to connect this client's website to Adsense. But all attempts failed. Please anyone should help me out ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
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Need help with mongodb

There is this error when connecting to db :- Error while connecting to db querySrv ECONNREFUSED
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facing problem with xampp

am new to php and i was working in signup sysytem but when i try to see my work i face this error does anyone know the solution i search in the net and i try what i found but nothing work with me...
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hi, anyone got an idea why im getting this error? code is below

all im doing is printing post in the php code. Appreciate the help in advance๐Ÿ˜„
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Trying to understand if I always need to identify commonjs or module?

I have the following package.json file and do not see a type key, but they are using es module import statement. They also import json files without using createRequire(). How is this possible? Add to that that they are using require statements as var os = require('os'); in index.js below ``` { "name": "incoming-mobile-event-service",...

POST with App Script for Google Sheets

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hello there, I am working on my own personal site. I have recently updated the contact form when the CONTACT button is clicked. A modal overlay opens up and displays the form, with a scrollbar. ...
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Having problem with cors - Flask

Hi guys! I am trying to setup restrictions to only allow requests from a certain origin. This is how I have it currently setup but it still allows every request (testing with postman). ``` app = Flask(name) cors = CORS(app, origins=[""])...
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useOptimistic - example needed - codesandbox / stackblitz / github

I need to change data immediately without waiting for response from server - If you did this with useOptimistic or react-query - please send me like to example Also I tried to do it and got this error...


Are there any good tutorials on how to create a database and design a database schema ?